Extract ground truth generation from `autogenerate_ground_truth_main.cc` into a library function in `ground_truth.h/cc`, so it can be reused outside that binary.
Tested with Cartographer ROS.
`cartographer_autogenerate_ground_truth -pose_graph_filename=/home/afleck/Downloads/b3-2016-04-05-15-51-36.bag.pbstream -output_filename=/home/afleck/Downloads/ground_truth.pb`
still runs as before.
- adds `covered_distance` to the ground truth relations
- the flags `write_relation_metrics` and `relation_metrics_filename` control whether and where to write the relations metrics as comma-separated values
This adds support of GroundTruth protos in addition to
text files.
Fixes the ground truth generation code to skip outliers.
Improves the ground truth generation to use expected
relative poses instead of the solution.
Writes constraints including the roll and pitch from the
node for 2D SLAM, so that constraints correctly capture
the expected transform between the 3D poses of scan and
submap in 2D SLAM.
Related to #239.
Related to #310.