Christoph Schütte 2017-11-13 08:26:35 +01:00 committed by Wally B. Feed
parent ed71914805
commit 53471359f8
34 changed files with 257 additions and 255 deletions

View File

@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.common.proto;
message CeresSolverOptions {
// Configure the Ceres solver. See the Ceres documentation for more
// information:
optional bool use_nonmonotonic_steps = 1;
optional int32 max_num_iterations = 2;
optional int32 num_threads = 3;
bool use_nonmonotonic_steps = 1;
int32 max_num_iterations = 2;
int32 num_threads = 3;

View File

@ -12,19 +12,19 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.ground_truth.proto;
import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
message Relation {
optional int64 timestamp1 = 1;
optional int64 timestamp2 = 2;
int64 timestamp1 = 1;
int64 timestamp2 = 2;
// The 'expected' relative transform of the tracking frame from 'timestamp2'
// to 'timestamp1'.
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d expected = 3;
transform.proto.Rigid3d expected = 3;
message GroundTruth {

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;

View File

@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/mapping/proto/sparse_pose_graph_options.proto";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
message MapBuilderOptions {
optional bool use_trajectory_builder_2d = 1;
optional bool use_trajectory_builder_3d = 2;
bool use_trajectory_builder_2d = 1;
bool use_trajectory_builder_3d = 2;
// Number of threads to use for background computations.
optional int32 num_background_threads = 3;
optional SparsePoseGraphOptions sparse_pose_graph_options = 4;
int32 num_background_threads = 3;
SparsePoseGraphOptions sparse_pose_graph_options = 4;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
@ -22,24 +22,24 @@ import "cartographer/mapping/proto/trajectory_node_data.proto";
import "cartographer/sensor/proto/sensor.proto";
message Submap {
optional SubmapId submap_id = 1;
optional Submap2D submap_2d = 2;
optional Submap3D submap_3d = 3;
SubmapId submap_id = 1;
Submap2D submap_2d = 2;
Submap3D submap_3d = 3;
message Node {
optional NodeId node_id = 1;
optional TrajectoryNodeData node_data = 5;
NodeId node_id = 1;
TrajectoryNodeData node_data = 5;
message ImuData {
optional int32 trajectory_id = 1;
optional sensor.proto.ImuData imu_data = 2;
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
sensor.proto.ImuData imu_data = 2;
message SerializedData {
optional Submap submap = 1;
optional Node node = 2;
optional ImuData imu_data = 3;
Submap submap = 1;
Node node = 2;
ImuData imu_data = 3;
// TODO(whess): Add odometry.

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ import "cartographer/mapping/proto/trajectory.proto";
import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
message SubmapId {
optional int32 trajectory_id = 1;
optional int32 submap_index = 2; // Submap index in the given trajectory.
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
int32 submap_index = 2; // Submap index in the given trajectory.
message NodeId {
optional int32 trajectory_id = 1;
optional int32 node_index = 2; // Node index in the given trajectory.
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
int32 node_index = 2; // Node index in the given trajectory.
message SparsePoseGraph {
@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ message SparsePoseGraph {
optional SubmapId submap_id = 1; // Submap ID.
optional NodeId node_id = 2; // Node ID.
SubmapId submap_id = 1; // Submap ID.
NodeId node_id = 2; // Node ID.
// Pose of the node relative to submap, i.e. taking data from the node frame
// into the submap frame.
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d relative_pose = 3;
transform.proto.Rigid3d relative_pose = 3;
// Weight of the translational part of the constraint.
optional double translation_weight = 6;
double translation_weight = 6;
// Weight of the rotational part of the constraint.
optional double rotation_weight = 7;
optional Tag tag = 5;
double rotation_weight = 7;
Tag tag = 5;
repeated Constraint constraint = 2;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
@ -22,37 +22,37 @@ import "cartographer/mapping/sparse_pose_graph/proto/optimization_problem_option
message SparsePoseGraphOptions {
// Online loop closure: If positive, will run the loop closure while the map
// is built.
optional int32 optimize_every_n_scans = 1;
int32 optimize_every_n_scans = 1;
// Options for the constraint builder.
optional mapping.sparse_pose_graph.proto.ConstraintBuilderOptions
constraint_builder_options = 3;
// Weight used in the optimization problem for the translational component of
// non-loop-closure scan matcher constraints.
optional double matcher_translation_weight = 7;
double matcher_translation_weight = 7;
// Weight used in the optimization problem for the rotational component of
// non-loop-closure scan matcher constraints.
optional double matcher_rotation_weight = 8;
double matcher_rotation_weight = 8;
// Options for the optimization problem.
optional mapping.sparse_pose_graph.proto.OptimizationProblemOptions
optimization_problem_options = 4;
// Number of iterations to use in 'optimization_problem_options' for the final
// optimization.
optional int32 max_num_final_iterations = 6;
int32 max_num_final_iterations = 6;
// Rate at which we sample a single trajectory's scans for global
// localization.
optional double global_sampling_ratio = 5;
double global_sampling_ratio = 5;
// Whether to output histograms for the pose residuals.
optional bool log_residual_histograms = 9;
bool log_residual_histograms = 9;
// If for the duration specified by this option no global contraint has been
// added between two trajectories, loop closure searches will be performed
// globally rather than in a smaller search window.
optional double global_constraint_search_after_n_seconds = 10;
double global_constraint_search_after_n_seconds = 10;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
// Serialized state of a mapping_2d::Submap.
message Submap2D {
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 1;
optional int32 num_range_data = 2;
optional bool finished = 3;
optional mapping_2d.proto.ProbabilityGrid probability_grid = 4;
transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 1;
int32 num_range_data = 2;
bool finished = 3;
mapping_2d.proto.ProbabilityGrid probability_grid = 4;
// Serialized state of a mapping_3d::Submap.
message Submap3D {
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 1;
optional int32 num_range_data = 2;
optional bool finished = 3;
optional mapping_3d.proto.HybridGrid high_resolution_hybrid_grid = 4;
optional mapping_3d.proto.HybridGrid low_resolution_hybrid_grid = 5;
transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 1;
int32 num_range_data = 2;
bool finished = 3;
mapping_3d.proto.HybridGrid high_resolution_hybrid_grid = 4;
mapping_3d.proto.HybridGrid low_resolution_hybrid_grid = 5;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ package cartographer.mapping.proto;
message SubmapList {
message SubmapEntry {
optional int32 submap_version = 1;
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 3;
int32 submap_version = 1;
transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 3;
message TrajectorySubmapList {
@ -34,40 +34,40 @@ message SubmapList {
message SubmapQuery {
message Request {
// Index into 'SubmapList.trajectory(trajectory_id).submap'.
optional int32 submap_index = 1;
int32 submap_index = 1;
// Index into 'TrajectoryList.trajectory'.
optional int32 trajectory_id = 2;
int32 trajectory_id = 2;
message Response {
// Version of the given submap, higher means newer.
optional int32 submap_version = 2;
int32 submap_version = 2;
// Texture that visualizes a grid of a submap.
message SubmapTexture {
// GZipped map data, in row-major order, starting with (0,0). Each cell
// consists of two bytes: value (premultiplied by alpha) and alpha.
optional bytes cells = 1;
bytes cells = 1;
// Dimensions of the grid in cells.
optional int32 width = 2;
optional int32 height = 3;
int32 width = 2;
int32 height = 3;
// Size of one cell in meters.
optional double resolution = 4;
double resolution = 4;
// Pose of the resolution*width x resolution*height rectangle in the
// submap frame.
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d slice_pose = 5;
transform.proto.Rigid3d slice_pose = 5;
// When multiple textures are present, high resolution comes first.
repeated SubmapTexture textures = 10;
// Error message in response to malformed requests.
optional string error_message = 8;
string error_message = 8;
optional Request request = 1;
optional Response response = 2;
Request request = 1;
Response response = 2;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
@ -24,24 +24,24 @@ message Trajectory {
// NEXT_ID: 8
message Node {
// Index of this node within its trajectory.
optional int32 node_index = 7;
int32 node_index = 7;
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
int64 timestamp = 1;
// Transform from tracking to global map frame.
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 5;
transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 5;
message Submap {
// Index of this submap within its trajectory.
optional int32 submap_index = 2;
int32 submap_index = 2;
// Transform from submap to global map frame.
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 1;
transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 1;
// ID of this trajectory.
optional int32 trajectory_id = 3;
int32 trajectory_id = 3;
// Time-ordered sequence of Nodes.
repeated Node node = 1;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
import "cartographer/mapping_2d/proto/local_trajectory_builder_options.proto";
@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ import "cartographer/mapping_3d/proto/local_trajectory_builder_options.proto";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
message InitialTrajectoryPose {
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d relative_pose = 1;
optional int32 to_trajectory_id = 2;
optional int64 timestamp = 3;
transform.proto.Rigid3d relative_pose = 1;
int32 to_trajectory_id = 2;
int64 timestamp = 3;
message TrajectoryBuilderOptions {
optional mapping_2d.proto.LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions
trajectory_builder_2d_options = 1;
optional mapping_3d.proto.LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions
trajectory_builder_3d_options = 2;
optional bool pure_localization = 3;
optional InitialTrajectoryPose initial_trajectory_pose = 4;
bool pure_localization = 3;
InitialTrajectoryPose initial_trajectory_pose = 4;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.proto;
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
// Serialized state of a mapping::TrajectoryNode::Data.
message TrajectoryNodeData {
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
optional transform.proto.Quaterniond gravity_alignment = 2;
optional sensor.proto.CompressedPointCloud
int64 timestamp = 1;
transform.proto.Quaterniond gravity_alignment = 2;
filtered_gravity_aligned_point_cloud = 3;
optional sensor.proto.CompressedPointCloud high_resolution_point_cloud = 4;
optional sensor.proto.CompressedPointCloud low_resolution_point_cloud = 5;
sensor.proto.CompressedPointCloud high_resolution_point_cloud = 4;
sensor.proto.CompressedPointCloud low_resolution_point_cloud = 5;
repeated float rotational_scan_matcher_histogram = 6;
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 7;
transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 7;

View File

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ SparsePoseGraph::Constraint::Tag FromProto(
return SparsePoseGraph::Constraint::Tag::INTRA_SUBMAP;
case proto::SparsePoseGraph::Constraint::INTER_SUBMAP:
return SparsePoseGraph::Constraint::Tag::INTER_SUBMAP;
case ::google::protobuf::kint32max:
case ::google::protobuf::kint32min:;
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported tag.";

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.sparse_pose_graph.proto;
@ -24,37 +24,37 @@ import "cartographer/mapping_3d/scan_matching/proto/fast_correlative_scan_matche
message ConstraintBuilderOptions {
// A constraint will be added if the proportion of added constraints to
// potential constraints drops below this number.
optional double sampling_ratio = 1;
double sampling_ratio = 1;
// Threshold for poses to be considered near a submap.
optional double max_constraint_distance = 2;
double max_constraint_distance = 2;
// Threshold for the scan match score below which a match is not considered.
// Low scores indicate that the scan and map do not look similar.
optional double min_score = 4;
double min_score = 4;
// Threshold below which global localizations are not trusted.
optional double global_localization_min_score = 5;
double global_localization_min_score = 5;
// Weight used in the optimization problem for the translational component of
// loop closure constraints.
optional double loop_closure_translation_weight = 13;
double loop_closure_translation_weight = 13;
// Weight used in the optimization problem for the rotational component of
// loop closure constraints.
optional double loop_closure_rotation_weight = 14;
double loop_closure_rotation_weight = 14;
// If enabled, logs information of loop-closing constraints for debugging.
optional bool log_matches = 8;
bool log_matches = 8;
// Options for the internally used scan matchers.
optional mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.FastCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions
fast_correlative_scan_matcher_options = 9;
optional mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions
ceres_scan_matcher_options = 11;
optional mapping_3d.scan_matching.proto.FastCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions
fast_correlative_scan_matcher_options_3d = 10;
optional mapping_3d.scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions
ceres_scan_matcher_options_3d = 12;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping.sparse_pose_graph.proto;
@ -21,28 +21,28 @@ import "cartographer/common/proto/ceres_solver_options.proto";
// NEXT ID: 13
message OptimizationProblemOptions {
// Scaling parameter for Huber loss function.
optional double huber_scale = 1;
double huber_scale = 1;
// Scaling parameter for the IMU acceleration term.
optional double acceleration_weight = 8;
double acceleration_weight = 8;
// Scaling parameter for the IMU rotation term.
optional double rotation_weight = 9;
double rotation_weight = 9;
// Penalty factors for translation changes to the relative pose between consecutive scans.
optional double consecutive_scan_translation_penalty_factor = 2;
double consecutive_scan_translation_penalty_factor = 2;
// Penalty factors for rotation changes to the relative pose between consecutive scans.
optional double consecutive_scan_rotation_penalty_factor = 3;
double consecutive_scan_rotation_penalty_factor = 3;
// Scaling parameter for the FixedFramePose translation.
optional double fixed_frame_pose_translation_weight = 11;
double fixed_frame_pose_translation_weight = 11;
// Scaling parameter for the FixedFramePose rotation.
optional double fixed_frame_pose_rotation_weight = 12;
double fixed_frame_pose_rotation_weight = 12;
// If true, the Ceres solver summary will be logged for every optimization.
optional bool log_solver_summary = 5;
bool log_solver_summary = 5;
optional common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options = 7;
common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options = 7;

View File

@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_2d.proto;
message CellLimits {
optional int32 num_x_cells = 1;
optional int32 num_y_cells = 2;
int32 num_x_cells = 1;
int32 num_y_cells = 2;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_2d.proto;
@ -24,39 +24,39 @@ import "cartographer/mapping_2d/scan_matching/proto/real_time_correlative_scan_m
message LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions {
// Rangefinder points outside these ranges will be dropped.
optional float min_range = 14;
optional float max_range = 15;
optional float min_z = 1;
optional float max_z = 2;
float min_range = 14;
float max_range = 15;
float min_z = 1;
float max_z = 2;
// Points beyond 'max_range' will be inserted with this length as empty space.
optional float missing_data_ray_length = 16;
float missing_data_ray_length = 16;
// Number of scans to accumulate into one unwarped, combined scan to use for
// scan matching.
optional int32 scans_per_accumulation = 19;
int32 scans_per_accumulation = 19;
// Voxel filter that gets applied to the range data immediately after
// cropping.
optional float voxel_filter_size = 3;
float voxel_filter_size = 3;
// Voxel filter used to compute a sparser point cloud for matching.
optional sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions
adaptive_voxel_filter_options = 6;
// Voxel filter used to compute a sparser point cloud for finding loop
// closures.
optional sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions
loop_closure_adaptive_voxel_filter_options = 20;
// Whether to solve the online scan matching first using the correlative scan
// matcher to generate a good starting point for Ceres.
optional bool use_online_correlative_scan_matching = 5;
optional scan_matching.proto.RealTimeCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions
bool use_online_correlative_scan_matching = 5;
real_time_correlative_scan_matcher_options = 7;
optional scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions
ceres_scan_matcher_options = 8;
optional mapping_3d.proto.MotionFilterOptions motion_filter_options = 13;
mapping_3d.proto.MotionFilterOptions motion_filter_options = 13;
// Time constant in seconds for the orientation moving average based on
// observed gravity via the IMU. It should be chosen so that the error
@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ message LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions {
// the constant is reduced) and
// 2. from integration of angular velocities (which gets worse when the
// constant is increased) is balanced.
optional double imu_gravity_time_constant = 17;
double imu_gravity_time_constant = 17;
optional mapping_2d.proto.SubmapsOptions submaps_options = 11;
mapping_2d.proto.SubmapsOptions submaps_options = 11;
// True if IMU data should be expected and used.
optional bool use_imu_data = 12;
bool use_imu_data = 12;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/mapping_2d/proto/cell_limits.proto";
import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
package cartographer.mapping_2d.proto;
message MapLimits {
optional double resolution = 1;
optional cartographer.transform.proto.Vector2d max = 2;
optional CellLimits cell_limits = 3;
double resolution = 1;
cartographer.transform.proto.Vector2d max = 2;
CellLimits cell_limits = 3;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/mapping_2d/proto/map_limits.proto";
@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ package cartographer.mapping_2d.proto;
message ProbabilityGrid {
message CellBox {
optional int32 max_x = 1;
optional int32 max_y = 2;
optional int32 min_x = 3;
optional int32 min_y = 4;
int32 max_x = 1;
int32 max_y = 2;
int32 min_x = 3;
int32 min_y = 4;
optional MapLimits limits = 1;
MapLimits limits = 1;
// These values are actually int16s, but protos don't have a native int16
// type.
repeated int32 cells = 2;
optional CellBox known_cells_box = 8;
CellBox known_cells_box = 8;

View File

@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_2d.proto;
message RangeDataInserterOptions {
// Probability change for a hit (this will be converted to odds and therefore
// must be greater than 0.5).
optional double hit_probability = 1;
double hit_probability = 1;
// Probability change for a miss (this will be converted to odds and therefore
// must be less than 0.5).
optional double miss_probability = 2;
double miss_probability = 2;
// If 'false', free space will not change the probabilities in the occupancy
// grid.
optional bool insert_free_space = 3;
bool insert_free_space = 3;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/mapping_2d/proto/range_data_inserter_options.proto";
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ package cartographer.mapping_2d.proto;
message SubmapsOptions {
// Resolution of the map in meters.
optional double resolution = 1;
double resolution = 1;
// Number of scans before adding a new submap. Each submap will get twice the
// number of scans inserted: First for initialization without being matched
// against, then while being matched.
optional int32 num_range_data = 3;
int32 num_range_data = 3;
optional RangeDataInserterOptions range_data_inserter_options = 5;
RangeDataInserterOptions range_data_inserter_options = 5;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto;
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ import "cartographer/common/proto/ceres_solver_options.proto";
// NEXT ID: 10
message CeresScanMatcherOptions {
// Scaling parameters for each cost functor.
optional double occupied_space_weight = 1;
optional double translation_weight = 2;
optional double rotation_weight = 3;
double occupied_space_weight = 1;
double translation_weight = 2;
double rotation_weight = 3;
// Configure the Ceres solver. See the Ceres documentation for more
// information:
optional common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options = 9;
common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options = 9;

View File

@ -12,19 +12,19 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto;
message FastCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions {
// Minimum linear search window in which the best possible scan alignment
// will be found.
optional double linear_search_window = 3;
double linear_search_window = 3;
// Minimum angular search window in which the best possible scan alignment
// will be found.
optional double angular_search_window = 4;
double angular_search_window = 4;
// Number of precomputed grids to use.
optional int32 branch_and_bound_depth = 2;
int32 branch_and_bound_depth = 2;

View File

@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto;
message RealTimeCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions {
// Minimum linear search window in which the best possible scan alignment
// will be found.
optional double linear_search_window = 1;
double linear_search_window = 1;
// Minimum angular search window in which the best possible scan alignment
// will be found.
optional double angular_search_window = 2;
double angular_search_window = 2;
// Weights applied to each part of the score.
optional double translation_delta_cost_weight = 3;
optional double rotation_delta_cost_weight = 4;
double translation_delta_cost_weight = 3;
double rotation_delta_cost_weight = 4;

View File

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_3d.proto;
message HybridGrid {
optional float resolution = 1;
float resolution = 1;
// '{x, y, z}_indices[i]' is the index of 'values[i]'.
repeated sint32 x_indices = 3 [packed = true];
repeated sint32 y_indices = 4 [packed = true];

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_3d.proto;
@ -25,31 +25,31 @@ import "cartographer/mapping_3d/scan_matching/proto/ceres_scan_matcher_options.p
// NEXT ID: 18
message LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions {
// Rangefinder points outside these ranges will be dropped.
optional float min_range = 1;
optional float max_range = 2;
float min_range = 1;
float max_range = 2;
// Number of scans to accumulate into one unwarped, combined scan to use for
// scan matching.
optional int32 scans_per_accumulation = 3;
int32 scans_per_accumulation = 3;
// Voxel filter that gets applied to the range data immediately after
// cropping.
optional float voxel_filter_size = 4;
float voxel_filter_size = 4;
// Voxel filter used to compute a sparser point cloud for matching.
optional sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions
high_resolution_adaptive_voxel_filter_options = 5;
optional sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions
low_resolution_adaptive_voxel_filter_options = 12;
// Whether to solve the online scan matching first using the correlative scan
// matcher to generate a good starting point for Ceres.
optional bool use_online_correlative_scan_matching = 13;
optional mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.RealTimeCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions
bool use_online_correlative_scan_matching = 13;
real_time_correlative_scan_matcher_options = 14;
optional scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions
ceres_scan_matcher_options = 6;
optional MotionFilterOptions motion_filter_options = 7;
MotionFilterOptions motion_filter_options = 7;
// Time constant in seconds for the orientation moving average based on
// observed gravity via the IMU. It should be chosen so that the error
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ message LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions {
// the constant is reduced) and
// 2. from integration of angular velocities (which gets worse when the
// constant is increased) is balanced.
optional double imu_gravity_time_constant = 15;
double imu_gravity_time_constant = 15;
// Number of histogram buckets for the rotational scan matcher.
optional int32 rotational_histogram_size = 17;
int32 rotational_histogram_size = 17;
optional SubmapsOptions submaps_options = 8;
SubmapsOptions submaps_options = 8;

View File

@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_3d.proto;
message MotionFilterOptions {
// Threshold above which a new scan is inserted based on time.
optional double max_time_seconds = 1;
double max_time_seconds = 1;
// Threshold above which a new scan is inserted based on linear motion.
optional double max_distance_meters = 2;
double max_distance_meters = 2;
// Threshold above which a new scan is inserted based on rotational motion.
optional double max_angle_radians = 3;
double max_angle_radians = 3;

View File

@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_3d.proto;
message RangeDataInserterOptions {
// Probability change for a hit (this will be converted to odds and therefore
// must be greater than 0.5).
optional double hit_probability = 1;
double hit_probability = 1;
// Probability change for a miss (this will be converted to odds and therefore
// must be less than 0.5).
optional double miss_probability = 2;
double miss_probability = 2;
// Up to how many free space voxels are updated for scan matching.
// 0 disables free space.
optional int32 num_free_space_voxels = 3;
int32 num_free_space_voxels = 3;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/mapping_3d/proto/range_data_inserter_options.proto";
@ -21,20 +21,20 @@ package cartographer.mapping_3d.proto;
message SubmapsOptions {
// Resolution of the 'high_resolution' map in meters used for local SLAM and
// loop closure.
optional double high_resolution = 1;
double high_resolution = 1;
// Maximum range to filter the point cloud to before insertion into the
// 'high_resolution' map.
optional double high_resolution_max_range = 4;
double high_resolution_max_range = 4;
// Resolution of the 'low_resolution' version of the map in meters used for
// local SLAM only.
optional double low_resolution = 5;
double low_resolution = 5;
// Number of scans before adding a new submap. Each submap will get twice the
// number of scans inserted: First for initialization without being matched
// against, then while being matched.
optional int32 num_range_data = 2;
int32 num_range_data = 2;
optional RangeDataInserterOptions range_data_inserter_options = 3;
RangeDataInserterOptions range_data_inserter_options = 3;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_3d.scan_matching.proto;
@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ import "cartographer/common/proto/ceres_solver_options.proto";
message CeresScanMatcherOptions {
// Scaling parameters for each cost functor.
repeated double occupied_space_weight = 1;
optional double translation_weight = 2;
optional double rotation_weight = 3;
double translation_weight = 2;
double rotation_weight = 3;
// Whether only to allow changes to yaw, keeping roll/pitch constant.
optional bool only_optimize_yaw = 5;
bool only_optimize_yaw = 5;
// Configure the Ceres solver. See the Ceres documentation for more
// information:
optional common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options = 6;
common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options = 6;

View File

@ -12,34 +12,34 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.mapping_3d.scan_matching.proto;
message FastCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions {
// Number of precomputed grids to use.
optional int32 branch_and_bound_depth = 2;
int32 branch_and_bound_depth = 2;
// Number of full resolution grids to use, additional grids will reduce the
// resolution by half each.
optional int32 full_resolution_depth = 8;
int32 full_resolution_depth = 8;
// Minimum score for the rotational scan matcher.
optional double min_rotational_score = 4;
double min_rotational_score = 4;
// Threshold for the score of the low resolution grid below which a match is
// not considered. Only used for 3D.
optional double min_low_resolution_score = 9;
double min_low_resolution_score = 9;
// Linear search window in the plane orthogonal to gravity in which the best
// possible scan alignment will be found.
optional double linear_xy_search_window = 5;
double linear_xy_search_window = 5;
// Linear search window in the gravity direction in which the best possible
// scan alignment will be found.
optional double linear_z_search_window = 6;
double linear_z_search_window = 6;
// Minimum angular search window in which the best possible scan alignment
// will be found.
optional double angular_search_window = 7;
double angular_search_window = 7;

View File

@ -12,18 +12,18 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.sensor.proto;
message AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions {
// 'max_length' of a voxel edge.
optional float max_length = 1;
float max_length = 1;
// If there are more points and not at least 'min_num_points' remain, the
// voxel length is reduced trying to get this minimum number of points.
optional float min_num_points = 2;
float min_num_points = 2;
// Points further away from the origin are removed.
optional float max_range = 3;
float max_range = 3;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.sensor.proto;
@ -22,37 +22,37 @@ import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
// Compressed collection of a 3D point cloud.
message CompressedPointCloud {
optional int32 num_points = 1;
int32 num_points = 1;
repeated int32 point_data = 3 [packed = true];
// Proto representation of ::cartographer::sensor::ImuData.
message ImuData {
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
optional transform.proto.Vector3d linear_acceleration = 2;
optional transform.proto.Vector3d angular_velocity = 3;
int64 timestamp = 1;
transform.proto.Vector3d linear_acceleration = 2;
transform.proto.Vector3d angular_velocity = 3;
// Proto representation of ::cartographer::sensor::OdometryData.
message OdometryData {
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 2;
int64 timestamp = 1;
transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 2;
// Proto representation of ::cartographer::sensor::FixedFramePoseData.
message FixedFramePoseData {
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 2;
int64 timestamp = 1;
transform.proto.Rigid3d pose = 2;
// Proto representation of ::cartographer::sensor::LandmarkData.
message LandmarkData {
message Landmark {
optional bytes id = 1;
optional transform.proto.Rigid3d transform = 2;
optional double translation_weight = 3;
optional double rotation_weight = 4;
bytes id = 1;
transform.proto.Rigid3d transform = 2;
double translation_weight = 3;
double rotation_weight = 4;
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
int64 timestamp = 1;
repeated Landmark landmarks = 2;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
syntax = "proto3";
package cartographer.transform.proto;
@ -21,57 +21,57 @@ package cartographer.transform.proto;
// mirror those used in the Eigen library.
message Vector2d {
optional double x = 1;
optional double y = 2;
double x = 1;
double y = 2;
message Vector2f {
optional float x = 1;
optional float y = 2;
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
message Vector3d {
optional double x = 1;
optional double y = 2;
optional double z = 3;
double x = 1;
double y = 2;
double z = 3;
message Vector3f {
optional float x = 1;
optional float y = 2;
optional float z = 3;
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
message Quaterniond {
optional double x = 1;
optional double y = 2;
optional double z = 3;
optional double w = 4;
double x = 1;
double y = 2;
double z = 3;
double w = 4;
message Quaternionf {
optional float x = 1;
optional float y = 2;
optional float z = 3;
optional float w = 4;
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
float w = 4;
message Rigid2d {
optional Vector2d translation = 1;
optional double rotation = 2;
Vector2d translation = 1;
double rotation = 2;
message Rigid2f {
optional Vector2f translation = 1;
optional float rotation = 2;
Vector2f translation = 1;
float rotation = 2;
message Rigid3d {
optional Vector3d translation = 1;
optional Quaterniond rotation = 2;
Vector3d translation = 1;
Quaterniond rotation = 2;
message Rigid3f {
optional Vector3f translation = 1;
optional Quaternionf rotation = 2;
Vector3f translation = 1;
Quaternionf rotation = 2;