
2.2 KiB


Oh-My-LOAM is a ROS-free implementation of LOAM (J. Zhang and S. Singh. LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time). This implementation is modified from A-LOAM.

Comparing with A-LOAM, this implementation has following features:

  • it's ROS-free
  • it's more readable and easier to understand/modify

How to run


Install dependences (listed below).
Clone this repository

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j6

Run with ROS bag as input

Although Oh-My-LOAM is ROS-free, running it with ROS bag as input is the simplest way. We'll take nsh_indoor_outdoor.bag as example. You can download this bag from google drive or baidupan (提取码:9nf7).

Launch Oh-My-LOAM:

./devel/lib/oh_my_loam/main_rosbag ../configs/config_nsh_indoor_outdoor.yaml

Play ROS bag (in a new terminal):

ros play nsh_indoor_outdoor.bag

Run without ROS support

Launch Oh-My-LOAM:

./devel/lib/oh_my_loam/main_noros ../configs/config_nsh_indoor_outdoor.yaml xxxxxx

Please replace xxxxxx with the directory that contains the input point cloud files with tree structure like following:

├── frame00000.pcd               
├── frame00001.pcd               
├── frame00002.pcd               
├── frame00003.pcd               
├── frame00004.pcd
├── ...          

Currently only .pcd format is supported. You can modify examples/main_noros.cc to add support for other point cloud formats.



Eigen: linear algebra, quaternion

sudo apt install libeigen3-dev

pcl: point cloud processing

sudo apt install libpcl-dev

g3log: logging

Follow g3log to install.

yaml-cpp: yaml parsing

sudo apt install libyaml-cpp-dev

ceres: non-linear optimization

sudo apt install libceres-dev

ROS (optional)