
451 lines
114 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-04-13 18:30:08 +08:00
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import numpy as np\n",
"from scipy.integrate import odeint\n",
"from scipy.interpolate import interp1d\n",
"import cvxpy as cp\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"import time"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## V2 Use Dynamics w.r.t Robot Frame\n",
"explanation here...\n",
"* slightly faster mpc convergence time -> more variables are 0, this helps the computation?\n",
"* no issues when vehicle heading ~PI in world"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"Control problem statement.\n",
"N = 4 #number of state variables\n",
"M = 2 #number of control variables\n",
"T = 20 #Prediction Horizon\n",
"DT = 0.2 #discretization step\n",
"def get_linear_model(x_bar,u_bar):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Computes the LTI approximated state space model x' = Ax + Bu + C\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" \n",
" L=0.3 #vehicle wheelbase\n",
" \n",
" x = x_bar[0]\n",
" y = x_bar[1]\n",
" v = x_bar[2]\n",
" theta = x_bar[3]\n",
" \n",
" a = u_bar[0]\n",
" delta = u_bar[1]\n",
" \n",
" A = np.zeros((N,N))\n",
" A[0,2]=np.cos(theta)\n",
" A[0,3]=-v*np.sin(theta)\n",
" A[1,2]=np.sin(theta)\n",
" A[1,3]=v*np.cos(theta)\n",
" A[3,2]=v*np.tan(delta)/L\n",
" A_lin=np.eye(N)+DT*A\n",
" \n",
" B = np.zeros((N,M))\n",
" B[2,0]=1\n",
" B[3,1]=v/(L*np.cos(delta)**2)\n",
" B_lin=DT*B\n",
" \n",
" f_xu=np.array([v*np.cos(theta), v*np.sin(theta), a,v*np.tan(delta)/L]).reshape(N,1)\n",
" C_lin = DT*(f_xu -,x_bar.reshape(N,1)) -,u_bar.reshape(M,1)))\n",
" \n",
" return np.round(A_lin,4), np.round(B_lin,4), np.round(C_lin,4)\n",
"the ODE is used to update the simulation given the mpc results\n",
"I use this insted of using the LTI twice\n",
"def kinematics_model(x,t,u):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Returns the set of ODE of the vehicle model.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" \n",
" L=0.3 #vehicle wheelbase\n",
" dxdt = x[2]*np.cos(x[3])\n",
" dydt = x[2]*np.sin(x[3])\n",
" dvdt = u[0]\n",
" dthetadt = x[2]*np.tan(u[1])/L\n",
" dqdt = [dxdt,\n",
" dydt,\n",
" dvdt,\n",
" dthetadt]\n",
" return dqdt\n",
"def predict(x0,u):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" \n",
" x_ = np.zeros((N,T+1))\n",
" \n",
" x_[:,0] = x0\n",
" \n",
" # solve ODE\n",
" for t in range(1,T+1):\n",
" tspan = [0,DT]\n",
" x_next = odeint(kinematics_model,\n",
" x0,\n",
" tspan,\n",
" args=(u[:,t-1],))\n",
" x0 = x_next[1]\n",
" x_[:,t]=x_next[1]\n",
" \n",
" return x_\n",
"def compute_path_from_wp(start_xp, start_yp, step = 0.1):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Computes a reference path given a set of waypoints\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" \n",
" final_xp=[]\n",
" final_yp=[]\n",
" delta = step #[m]\n",
" for idx in range(len(start_xp)-1):\n",
" section_len = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.power(np.diff(start_xp[idx:idx+2]),2)+np.power(np.diff(start_yp[idx:idx+2]),2)))\n",
" interp_range = np.linspace(0,1,np.floor(section_len/delta).astype(int))\n",
" \n",
" fx=interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,2),start_xp[idx:idx+2],kind=1)\n",
" fy=interp1d(np.linspace(0,1,2),start_yp[idx:idx+2],kind=1)\n",
" \n",
" # watch out to duplicate points!\n",
" final_xp=np.append(final_xp,fx(interp_range)[1:])\n",
" final_yp=np.append(final_yp,fy(interp_range)[1:])\n",
" \n",
" dx = np.append(0, np.diff(final_xp))\n",
" dy = np.append(0, np.diff(final_yp))\n",
" theta = np.arctan2(dy, dx)\n",
" return np.vstack((final_xp,final_yp,theta))\n",
"def get_nn_idx(state,path):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Computes the index of the waypoint closest to vehicle\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" dx = state[0]-path[0,:]\n",
" dy = state[1]-path[1,:]\n",
" dist = np.hypot(dx,dy)\n",
" nn_idx = np.argmin(dist)\n",
" try:\n",
" v = [path[0,nn_idx+1] - path[0,nn_idx],\n",
" path[1,nn_idx+1] - path[1,nn_idx]] \n",
" v /= np.linalg.norm(v)\n",
" d = [path[0,nn_idx] - state[0],\n",
" path[1,nn_idx] - state[1]]\n",
" if,v) > 0:\n",
" target_idx = nn_idx\n",
" else:\n",
" target_idx = nn_idx+1\n",
" except IndexError as e:\n",
" target_idx = nn_idx\n",
" return target_idx\n",
"def normalize_angle(angle):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Normalize an angle to [-pi, pi]\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" while angle > np.pi:\n",
" angle -= 2.0 * np.pi\n",
" while angle < -np.pi:\n",
" angle += 2.0 * np.pi\n",
" return angle\n",
"def get_ref_trajectory(state, path, target_v):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" modified reference in robot frame\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" xref = np.zeros((N, T + 1))\n",
" dref = np.zeros((1, T + 1))\n",
" \n",
" #sp = np.ones((1,T +1))*target_v #speed profile\n",
" \n",
" ncourse = path.shape[1]\n",
" ind = get_nn_idx(state, path)\n",
" dx=path[0,ind] - state[0]\n",
" dy=path[1,ind] - state[1]\n",
" \n",
" xref[0, 0] = dx * np.cos(-state[3]) - dy * np.sin(-state[3]) #X\n",
" xref[1, 0] = dy * np.cos(-state[3]) + dx * np.sin(-state[3]) #Y\n",
" xref[2, 0] = target_v #V\n",
" xref[3, 0] = normalize_angle(path[2,ind]- state[3]) #Theta\n",
" dref[0, 0] = 0.0 # steer operational point should be 0\n",
" \n",
" dl = 0.05 # Waypoints spacing [m]\n",
" travel = 0.0\n",
" \n",
" for i in range(T + 1):\n",
" travel += abs(target_v) * DT #current V or target V?\n",
" dind = int(round(travel / dl))\n",
" \n",
" if (ind + dind) < ncourse:\n",
" dx=path[0,ind + dind] - state[0]\n",
" dy=path[1,ind + dind] - state[1]\n",
" \n",
" xref[0, i] = dx * np.cos(-state[3]) - dy * np.sin(-state[3])\n",
" xref[1, i] = dy * np.cos(-state[3]) + dx * np.sin(-state[3])\n",
" xref[2, i] = target_v #sp[ind + dind]\n",
" xref[3, i] = normalize_angle(path[2,ind + dind] - state[3])\n",
" dref[0, i] = 0.0\n",
" else:\n",
" dx=path[0,ncourse - 1] - state[0]\n",
" dy=path[1,ncourse - 1] - state[1]\n",
" \n",
" xref[0, i] = dx * np.cos(-state[3]) - dy * np.sin(-state[3])\n",
" xref[1, i] = dy * np.cos(-state[3]) + dx * np.sin(-state[3])\n",
" xref[2, i] = 0.0 #stop? #sp[ncourse - 1]\n",
" xref[3, i] = normalize_angle(path[2,ncourse - 1] - state[3])\n",
" dref[0, i] = 0.0\n",
" return xref, dref"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"CVXPY Optimization Time: Avrg: 0.1655s Max: 0.1952s Min: 0.1495s\n"
"source": [
"track = compute_path_from_wp([0,3,4,6,10,12,14,6,1,0],\n",
" [0,0,2,4,3,3,-2,-6,-2,-2],0.05)\n",
"# track = compute_path_from_wp([0,10,10,0],\n",
"# [0,0,1,1],0.05)\n",
"sim_duration = 200 #time steps\n",
"x_sim = np.zeros((N,sim_duration))\n",
"u_sim = np.zeros((M,sim_duration-1))\n",
"MAX_SPEED = 1.5 #m/s\n",
"MAX_ACC = 1.0 #m/ss\n",
"MAX_D_ACC = 1.0 #m/sss\n",
"MAX_STEER = np.radians(30) #rad\n",
"MAX_D_STEER = np.radians(30) #rad/s\n",
"REF_VEL = 1.0 #m/s\n",
"# Starting Condition\n",
"x0 = np.zeros(N)\n",
"x0[0] = 0 #x\n",
"x0[1] = -0.25 #y\n",
"x0[2] = 0.0 #v\n",
"x0[3] = np.radians(-0) #yaw\n",
" \n",
"#starting guess\n",
"u_bar = np.zeros((M,T))\n",
"u_bar[0,:] = MAX_ACC/2 #a\n",
"u_bar[1,:] = 0.0 #delta\n",
" \n",
"for sim_time in range(sim_duration-1):\n",
" \n",
" iter_start = time.time()\n",
" \n",
" # dynamics starting state w.r.t. robot are always null except vel \n",
" x_bar = np.zeros((N,T+1))\n",
" x_bar[2,0] = x_sim[2,sim_time]\n",
" \n",
" #prediction for linearization of costrains\n",
" for t in range (1,T+1):\n",
" xt = x_bar[:,t-1].reshape(N,1)\n",
" ut = u_bar[:,t-1].reshape(M,1)\n",
" A,B,C = get_linear_model(xt,ut)\n",
" xt_plus_one = np.squeeze(,xt),ut)+C)\n",
" x_bar[:,t] = xt_plus_one\n",
" \n",
" #CVXPY Linear MPC problem statement\n",
" x = cp.Variable((N, T+1))\n",
" u = cp.Variable((M, T))\n",
" cost = 0\n",
" constr = []\n",
" # Cost Matrices\n",
" Q = np.diag([20,20,10,20]) #state error cost\n",
" Qf = np.diag([30,30,30,30]) #state final error cost\n",
" R = np.diag([10,10]) #input cost\n",
" R_ = np.diag([10,10]) #input rate of change cost\n",
" #Get Reference_traj\n",
" #dont use x0 in this case\n",
" x_ref, d_ref = get_ref_trajectory(x_sim[:,sim_time] ,track, REF_VEL)\n",
" \n",
" #Prediction Horizon\n",
" for t in range(T):\n",
" # Tracking Error\n",
" cost += cp.quad_form(x[:,t] - x_ref[:,t], Q)\n",
" # Actuation effort\n",
" cost += cp.quad_form(u[:,t], R)\n",
" # Actuation rate of change\n",
" if t < (T - 1):\n",
" cost += cp.quad_form(u[:,t+1] - u[:,t], R_)\n",
" constr+= [cp.abs(u[0, t + 1] - u[0, t])/DT <= MAX_D_ACC] #max acc rate of change\n",
" constr += [cp.abs(u[1, t + 1] - u[1, t])/DT <= MAX_D_STEER] #max steer rate of change\n",
" # Kinrmatics Constrains (Linearized model)\n",
" A,B,C = get_linear_model(x_bar[:,t], u_bar[:,t])\n",
" constr += [x[:,t+1] == A@x[:,t] + B@u[:,t] + C.flatten()]\n",
" \n",
" #Final Point tracking\n",
" cost += cp.quad_form(x[:, T] - x_ref[:, T], Qf)\n",
" # sums problem objectives and concatenates constraints.\n",
" constr += [x[:,0] == x_bar[:,0]] #starting condition\n",
" constr += [x[2,:] <= MAX_SPEED] #max speed\n",
" constr += [x[2,:] >= 0.0] #min_speed (not really needed)\n",
" constr += [cp.abs(u[0,:]) <= MAX_ACC] #max acc\n",
" constr += [cp.abs(u[1,:]) <= MAX_STEER] #max steer\n",
" \n",
" # Solve\n",
" prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constr)\n",
" solution = prob.solve(solver=cp.OSQP, verbose=False)\n",
" \n",
" #retrieved optimized U and assign to u_bar to linearize in next step\n",
" u_bar = np.vstack((np.array(u.value[0,:]).flatten(),\n",
" (np.array(u.value[1,:]).flatten())))\n",
" \n",
" u_sim[:,sim_time] = u_bar[:,0]\n",
" \n",
" # Measure elpased time to get results from cvxpy\n",
" opt_time.append(time.time()-iter_start)\n",
" \n",
" # move simulation to t+1\n",
" tspan = [0,DT]\n",
" x_sim[:,sim_time+1] = odeint(kinematics_model,\n",
" x_sim[:,sim_time],\n",
" tspan,\n",
" args=(u_bar[:,0],))[1]\n",
" \n",
"print(\"CVXPY Optimization Time: Avrg: {:.4f}s Max: {:.4f}s Min: {:.4f}s\".format(np.mean(opt_time),\n",
" np.max(opt_time),\n",
" np.min(opt_time))) "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"image/png": "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
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 1080x720 with 5 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"#plot trajectory\n",
"grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 5)\n",
"plt.subplot(grid[0:4, 0:4])\n",
"plt.subplot(grid[0, 4])\n",
"plt.ylabel('a(t) [m/ss]')\n",
"plt.subplot(grid[1, 4])\n",
"plt.ylabel('v(t) [m/s]')\n",
"plt.subplot(grid[2, 4])\n",
"plt.ylabel('delta(t) [rad]')\n",
"plt.subplot(grid[3, 4])\n",
"plt.ylabel('theta(t) [rad]')\n",
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