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Raw Blame History

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* This file is part of ORB-SLAM3
* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez Rodríguez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
* ORB-SLAM3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ORB-SLAM3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ORB-SLAM3.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef TRACKING_H
#define TRACKING_H
#include <opencv2/video/tracking.hpp>
#include "ORBVocabulary.h"
#include "Initializer.h"
#include "MapDrawer.h"
#include "System.h"
#include "ImuTypes.h"
#include "GeometricCamera.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace ORB_SLAM3
class Viewer;
class FrameDrawer;
class Atlas;
class LocalMapping;
class LoopClosing;
class System;
class Tracking
Tracking(System* pSys, ORBVocabulary* pVoc, FrameDrawer* pFrameDrawer, MapDrawer* pMapDrawer, Atlas* pAtlas,
KeyFrameDatabase* pKFDB, const string &strSettingPath, const int sensor, const string &_nameSeq=std::string());
// Parse the config file
bool ParseCamParamFile(cv::FileStorage &fSettings);
bool ParseORBParamFile(cv::FileStorage &fSettings);
bool ParseIMUParamFile(cv::FileStorage &fSettings);
// Preprocess the input and call Track(). Extract features and performs stereo matching.
cv::Mat GrabImageStereo(const cv::Mat &imRectLeft,const cv::Mat &imRectRight, const double &timestamp, string filename);
cv::Mat GrabImageRGBD(const cv::Mat &imRGB,const cv::Mat &imD, const double &timestamp, string filename);
cv::Mat GrabImageMonocular(const cv::Mat &im, const double &timestamp, string filename);
// cv::Mat GrabImageImuMonocular(const cv::Mat &im, const double &timestamp);
void GrabImuData(const IMU::Point &imuMeasurement);
void SetLocalMapper(LocalMapping* pLocalMapper);
void SetLoopClosing(LoopClosing* pLoopClosing);
void SetViewer(Viewer* pViewer);
void SetStepByStep(bool bSet);
// Load new settings
// The focal lenght should be similar or scale prediction will fail when projecting points
void ChangeCalibration(const string &strSettingPath);
// Use this function if you have deactivated local mapping and you only want to localize the camera.
void InformOnlyTracking(const bool &flag);
void UpdateFrameIMU(const float s, const IMU::Bias &b, KeyFrame* pCurrentKeyFrame);
KeyFrame* GetLastKeyFrame()
return mpLastKeyFrame;
void CreateMapInAtlas();
std::mutex mMutexTracks;
void NewDataset();
int GetNumberDataset();
int GetMatchesInliers();
// Tracking states
// 跟踪状态
enum eTrackingState{
SYSTEM_NOT_READY=-1, //系统没有准备好的状态,一般就是在启动后加载配置文件和词典文件时候的状态
NO_IMAGES_YET=0, //当前无图像
NOT_INITIALIZED=1, //有图像但是没有完成初始化
OK=2, //正常跟踪状态
RECENTLY_LOST=3, //IMU模式当前地图中的KF>10,且丢失时间<5秒。纯视觉模式没有该状态
LOST=4, //IMU模式当前帧跟丢超过5s。纯视觉模式重定位失败
OK_KLT=5 //未使用
eTrackingState mState;
eTrackingState mLastProcessedState;
// Input sensor
int mSensor;
// Current Frame
Frame mCurrentFrame;
Frame mLastFrame;
cv::Mat mImGray;
// Initialization Variables (Monocular)
std::vector<int> mvIniLastMatches;
std::vector<int> mvIniMatches;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> mvbPrevMatched;
std::vector<cv::Point3f> mvIniP3D;
Frame mInitialFrame;
// Lists used to recover the full camera trajectory at the end of the execution.
// Basically we store the reference keyframe for each frame and its relative transformation
list<cv::Mat> mlRelativeFramePoses;
list<KeyFrame*> mlpReferences;
list<double> mlFrameTimes;
list<bool> mlbLost;
// frames with estimated pose
int mTrackedFr;
bool mbStep;
// True if local mapping is deactivated and we are performing only localization
bool mbOnlyTracking;
void Reset(bool bLocMap = false);
void ResetActiveMap(bool bLocMap = false);
float mMeanTrack;
bool mbInitWith3KFs;
double t0; // time-stamp of first read frame
double t0vis; // time-stamp of first inserted keyframe
double t0IMU; // time-stamp of IMU initialization
vector<MapPoint*> GetLocalMapMPS();
bool mbWriteStats;
void LocalMapStats2File();
void TrackStats2File();
void PrintTimeStats();
vector<double> vdRectStereo_ms;
vector<double> vdORBExtract_ms;
vector<double> vdStereoMatch_ms;
vector<double> vdIMUInteg_ms;
vector<double> vdPosePred_ms;
vector<double> vdLMTrack_ms;
vector<double> vdNewKF_ms;
vector<double> vdTrackTotal_ms;
vector<double> vdUpdatedLM_ms;
vector<double> vdSearchLP_ms;
vector<double> vdPoseOpt_ms;
vector<int> vnKeyFramesLM;
vector<int> vnMapPointsLM;
// Main tracking function. It is independent of the input sensor.
void Track();
// Map initialization for stereo and RGB-D
void StereoInitialization();
// Map initialization for monocular
void MonocularInitialization();
void CreateNewMapPoints();
cv::Mat ComputeF12(KeyFrame *&pKF1, KeyFrame *&pKF2);
void CreateInitialMapMonocular();
void CheckReplacedInLastFrame();
bool TrackReferenceKeyFrame();
void UpdateLastFrame();
bool TrackWithMotionModel();
bool PredictStateIMU();
bool Relocalization();
void UpdateLocalMap();
void UpdateLocalPoints();
void UpdateLocalKeyFrames();
bool TrackLocalMap();
bool TrackLocalMap_old();
void SearchLocalPoints();
bool NeedNewKeyFrame();
void CreateNewKeyFrame();
// Perform preintegration from last frame
void PreintegrateIMU();
// Reset IMU biases and compute frame velocity
void ComputeGyroBias(const vector<Frame*> &vpFs, float &bwx, float &bwy, float &bwz);
void ComputeVelocitiesAccBias(const vector<Frame*> &vpFs, float &bax, float &bay, float &baz);
bool mbMapUpdated;
// Imu preintegration from last frame
IMU::Preintegrated *mpImuPreintegratedFromLastKF;
// Queue of IMU measurements between frames
std::list<IMU::Point> mlQueueImuData;
// Vector of IMU measurements from previous to current frame (to be filled by PreintegrateIMU)
std::vector<IMU::Point> mvImuFromLastFrame;
std::mutex mMutexImuQueue;
// Imu calibration parameters
IMU::Calib *mpImuCalib;
// Last Bias Estimation (at keyframe creation)
IMU::Bias mLastBias;
// In case of performing only localization, this flag is true when there are no matches to
// points in the map. Still tracking will continue if there are enough matches with temporal points.
// In that case we are doing visual odometry. The system will try to do relocalization to recover
// "zero-drift" localization to the map.
bool mbVO;
//Other Thread Pointers
LocalMapping* mpLocalMapper;
LoopClosing* mpLoopClosing;
ORBextractor* mpORBextractorLeft, *mpORBextractorRight;
ORBextractor* mpIniORBextractor;
ORBVocabulary* mpORBVocabulary;
KeyFrameDatabase* mpKeyFrameDB;
// Initalization (only for monocular)
Initializer* mpInitializer;
bool mbSetInit;
//Local Map
KeyFrame* mpReferenceKF;
std::vector<KeyFrame*> mvpLocalKeyFrames;
std::vector<MapPoint*> mvpLocalMapPoints;
// System
System* mpSystem;
Viewer* mpViewer;
FrameDrawer* mpFrameDrawer;
MapDrawer* mpMapDrawer;
bool bStepByStep;
Atlas* mpAtlas;
//Calibration matrix
cv::Mat mK;
cv::Mat mDistCoef;
float mbf;
//New KeyFrame rules (according to fps)
int mMinFrames;
int mMaxFrames;
int mnFirstImuFrameId;
// 经过多少帧后可以重置IMU一般设置为和帧率相同对应的时间是1s
int mnFramesToResetIMU;
// Threshold close/far points
// Points seen as close by the stereo/RGBD sensor are considered reliable
// and inserted from just one frame. Far points requiere a match in two keyframes.
float mThDepth;
// For RGB-D inputs only. For some datasets (e.g. TUM) the depthmap values are scaled.
float mDepthMapFactor;
//Current matches in frame
int mnMatchesInliers;
//Last Frame, KeyFrame and Relocalisation Info
KeyFrame* mpLastKeyFrame;
unsigned int mnLastKeyFrameId;
unsigned int mnLastRelocFrameId;
double mTimeStampLost;
double time_recently_lost;
double time_recently_lost_visual;
unsigned int mnFirstFrameId;
unsigned int mnInitialFrameId;
unsigned int mnLastInitFrameId;
bool mbCreatedMap;
//Motion Model
cv::Mat mVelocity;
//Color order (true RGB, false BGR, ignored if grayscale)
bool mbRGB;
list<MapPoint*> mlpTemporalPoints;
//int nMapChangeIndex;
int mnNumDataset;
ofstream f_track_stats;
ofstream f_track_times;
double mTime_PreIntIMU;
double mTime_PosePred;
double mTime_LocalMapTrack;
double mTime_NewKF_Dec;
GeometricCamera* mpCamera, *mpCamera2;
int initID, lastID;
cv::Mat mTlr;
cv::Mat mImRight;
} //namespace ORB_SLAM
#endif // TRACKING_H