import numpy as np np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore") from scipy.integrate import odeint from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import cvxpy as opt from .utils import * from .mpc_config import Params P = Params() def get_linear_model_matrices(x_bar, u_bar): """ Computes the LTI approximated state space model x' = Ax + Bu + C """ x = x_bar[0] y = x_bar[1] v = x_bar[2] theta = x_bar[3] a = u_bar[0] delta = u_bar[1] ct = np.cos(theta) st = np.sin(theta) cd = np.cos(delta) td = np.tan(delta) A = np.zeros((P.N, P.N)) A[0, 2] = ct A[0, 3] = -v * st A[1, 2] = st A[1, 3] = v * ct A[3, 2] = v * td / P.L A_lin = np.eye(P.N) + P.DT * A B = np.zeros((P.N, P.M)) B[2, 0] = 1 B[3, 1] = v / (P.L * cd**2) B_lin = P.DT * B f_xu = np.array([v * ct, v * st, a, v * td / P.L]).reshape(P.N, 1) C_lin = ( P.DT * ( f_xu -, x_bar.reshape(P.N, 1)) -, u_bar.reshape(P.M, 1)) ).flatten() ) # return np.round(A_lin,6), np.round(B_lin,6), np.round(C_lin,6) return A_lin, B_lin, C_lin class MPC: def __init__(self, N, M, Q, R): """ """ self.state_len = N self.action_len = M self.state_cost = Q self.action_cost = R def optimize_linearized_model( self, A, B, C, initial_state, target, time_horizon=10, Q=None, R=None, verbose=False, ): """ Optimisation problem defined for the linearised model, :param A: :param B: :param C: :param initial_state: :param Q: :param R: :param target: :param time_horizon: :param verbose: :return: """ assert len(initial_state) == self.state_len if Q == None or R == None: Q = self.state_cost R = self.action_cost # Create variables x = opt.Variable((self.state_len, time_horizon + 1), name="states") u = opt.Variable((self.action_len, time_horizon), name="actions") # Loop through the entire time_horizon and append costs cost_function = [] for t in range(time_horizon): _cost = opt.quad_form(target[:, t + 1] - x[:, t + 1], Q) + opt.quad_form( u[:, t], R ) _constraints = [ x[:, t + 1] == A @ x[:, t] + B @ u[:, t] + C, u[0, t] >= -P.MAX_ACC, u[0, t] <= P.MAX_ACC, u[1, t] >= -P.MAX_STEER, u[1, t] <= P.MAX_STEER, ] # opt.norm(target[:, t + 1] - x[:, t + 1], 1) <= 0.1] # Actuation rate of change if t < (time_horizon - 1): _cost += opt.quad_form(u[:, t + 1] - u[:, t], R * 1) _constraints += [opt.abs(u[0, t + 1] - u[0, t]) / P.DT <= P.MAX_D_ACC] _constraints += [opt.abs(u[1, t + 1] - u[1, t]) / P.DT <= P.MAX_D_STEER] if t == 0: # _constraints += [opt.norm(target[:, time_horizon] - x[:, time_horizon], 1) <= 0.01, # x[:, 0] == initial_state] _constraints += [x[:, 0] == initial_state] cost_function.append( opt.Problem(opt.Minimize(_cost), constraints=_constraints) ) # Add final cost problem = sum(cost_function) # Minimize Problem problem.solve(verbose=verbose, solver=opt.OSQP) return x, u