Extend trajectory export tool to write TransformStamped topics. (#1169)
See discussion in #1166.master
@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ geometry_msgs::TransformStamped ToTransformStamped(
const std::string& child_frame_id,
const cartographer::transform::proto::Rigid3d& parent_T_child) {
static int64_t seq = 0;
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped xfm;
xfm.header.seq = ++seq;
xfm.header.frame_id = parent_frame_id;
xfm.header.stamp = cartographer_ros::ToRos(
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transform_stamped;
transform_stamped.header.seq = ++seq;
transform_stamped.header.frame_id = parent_frame_id;
transform_stamped.header.stamp = cartographer_ros::ToRos(
xfm.child_frame_id = child_frame_id;
xfm.transform = cartographer_ros::ToGeometryMsgTransform(
transform_stamped.child_frame_id = child_frame_id;
transform_stamped.transform = cartographer_ros::ToGeometryMsgTransform(
return xfm;
return transform_stamped;
void pbstream_trajectories_to_bag(const std::string& pbstream_filename,
@ -61,13 +61,18 @@ void pbstream_trajectories_to_bag(const std::string& pbstream_filename,
for (const auto trajectory : pose_graph.trajectory()) {
const auto child_frame_id =
absl::StrCat("trajectory_", trajectory.trajectory_id());
LOG(INFO) << "Writing tf for trajectory id " << trajectory.trajectory_id()
<< " with " << trajectory.node_size() << " nodes.";
<< "Writing tf and geometry_msgs/TransformStamped for trajectory id "
<< trajectory.trajectory_id() << " with " << trajectory.node_size()
<< " nodes.";
for (const auto& node : trajectory.node()) {
tf2_msgs::TFMessage tf_msg;
node.timestamp(), parent_frame_id, child_frame_id, node.pose()));
bag.write("/tf", tf_msg.transforms[0].header.stamp, tf_msg);
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transform_stamped = ToTransformStamped(
node.timestamp(), parent_frame_id, child_frame_id, node.pose());
bag.write(child_frame_id, transform_stamped.header.stamp,
bag.write("/tf", transform_stamped.header.stamp, tf_msg);
@ -81,10 +86,12 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
"Extracts all trajectories from the pbstream and creates a bag file with "
"the trajectory poses stored in /tf.\nFor each trajectory, the tool will "
"write transforms with the tf parent_frame_id set according to the "
"`parent_frame` commandline flag and child_frame_id to `trajectory_i`, "
"with `i` corresponding to the `trajectory_id`.");
"the trajectory poses stored in /tf.\nAdditionally, each trajectory is "
"also written separately to a geometry_msgs/TransformStamped topic named "
"after the TF child_frame_id of the trajectory.\n For each trajectory, "
"the tool will write transforms with the tf parent_frame_id set "
"according to the `parent_frame` commandline flag and child_frame_id to "
"`trajectory_i`, with `i` corresponding to the `trajectory_id`.");
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
CHECK(!FLAGS_input.empty()) << "-input pbstream is missing.";
CHECK(!FLAGS_output.empty()) << "-output is missing.";
Reference in New Issue