
294 lines
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* Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "Eigen/Geometry"
#include "cartographer/common/fixed_ratio_sampler.h"
#include "cartographer/common/mutex.h"
#include "cartographer/common/thread_pool.h"
#include "cartographer/common/time.h"
#include "cartographer/mapping/3d/submap_3d.h"
#include "cartographer/mapping/internal/3d/pose_graph/constraint_builder_3d.h"
#include "cartographer/mapping/internal/3d/pose_graph/optimization_problem_3d.h"
#include "cartographer/mapping/internal/trajectory_connectivity_state.h"
#include "cartographer/mapping/pose_graph.h"
#include "cartographer/mapping/pose_graph_trimmer.h"
#include "cartographer/sensor/fixed_frame_pose_data.h"
#include "cartographer/sensor/landmark_data.h"
#include "cartographer/sensor/odometry_data.h"
#include "cartographer/sensor/point_cloud.h"
#include "cartographer/transform/transform.h"
namespace cartographer {
namespace mapping {
// Implements the loop closure method called Sparse Pose Adjustment (SPA) from
// Konolige, Kurt, et al. "Efficient sparse pose adjustment for 2d mapping."
// Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
// on (pp. 22--29). IEEE, 2010.
// It is extended for submapping in 3D:
// Each node has been matched against one or more submaps (adding a constraint
// for each match), both poses of nodes and of submaps are to be optimized.
// All constraints are between a submap i and a node j.
class PoseGraph3D : public PoseGraph {
PoseGraph3D(const proto::PoseGraphOptions& options,
common::ThreadPool* thread_pool);
~PoseGraph3D() override;
PoseGraph3D(const PoseGraph3D&) = delete;
PoseGraph3D& operator=(const PoseGraph3D&) = delete;
// Adds a new node with 'constant_data'. Its 'constant_data->local_pose' was
// determined by scan matching against 'insertion_submaps.front()' and the
// node data was inserted into the 'insertion_submaps'. If
// 'insertion_submaps.front().finished()' is 'true', data was inserted into
// this submap for the last time.
NodeId AddNode(
std::shared_ptr<const TrajectoryNode::Data> constant_data,
int trajectory_id,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Submap3D>>& insertion_submaps)
void AddImuData(int trajectory_id, const sensor::ImuData& imu_data) override
void AddOdometryData(int trajectory_id,
const sensor::OdometryData& odometry_data) override
void AddFixedFramePoseData(
int trajectory_id,
const sensor::FixedFramePoseData& fixed_frame_pose_data) override
void AddLandmarkData(int trajectory_id,
const sensor::LandmarkData& landmark_data) override
void FinishTrajectory(int trajectory_id) override;
bool IsTrajectoryFinished(int trajectory_id) override;
void FreezeTrajectory(int trajectory_id) override;
bool IsTrajectoryFrozen(int trajectory_id) override;
void AddSubmapFromProto(const transform::Rigid3d& global_submap_pose,
const proto::Submap& submap) override;
void AddNodeFromProto(const transform::Rigid3d& global_pose,
const proto::Node& node) override;
void SetTrajectoryDataFromProto(const proto::TrajectoryData& data) override;
void AddNodeToSubmap(const NodeId& node_id,
const SubmapId& submap_id) override;
void AddSerializedConstraints(
const std::vector<Constraint>& constraints) override;
void AddTrimmer(std::unique_ptr<PoseGraphTrimmer> trimmer) override;
void RunFinalOptimization() override;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> GetConnectedTrajectories() override;
PoseGraph::SubmapData GetSubmapData(const SubmapId& submap_id)
EXCLUDES(mutex_) override;
MapById<SubmapId, PoseGraphInterface::SubmapData> GetAllSubmapData()
EXCLUDES(mutex_) override;
MapById<SubmapId, SubmapPose> GetAllSubmapPoses() EXCLUDES(mutex_) override;
transform::Rigid3d GetLocalToGlobalTransform(int trajectory_id)
EXCLUDES(mutex_) override;
MapById<NodeId, TrajectoryNode> GetTrajectoryNodes() override
MapById<NodeId, TrajectoryNodePose> GetTrajectoryNodePoses() override
std::map<std::string, transform::Rigid3d> GetLandmarkPoses() override
sensor::MapByTime<sensor::ImuData> GetImuData() override EXCLUDES(mutex_);
sensor::MapByTime<sensor::OdometryData> GetOdometryData() override
sensor::MapByTime<sensor::FixedFramePoseData> GetFixedFramePoseData() override
std::map<int, TrajectoryData> GetTrajectoryData() override;
std::vector<Constraint> constraints() override EXCLUDES(mutex_);
void SetInitialTrajectoryPose(int from_trajectory_id, int to_trajectory_id,
const transform::Rigid3d& pose,
const common::Time time) override
transform::Rigid3d GetInterpolatedGlobalTrajectoryPose(
int trajectory_id, const common::Time time) const REQUIRES(mutex_);
// The current state of the submap in the background threads. When this
// transitions to kFinished, all nodes are tried to match against this submap.
// Likewise, all new nodes are matched against submaps which are finished.
enum class SubmapState { kActive, kFinished };
struct SubmapData {
std::shared_ptr<const Submap3D> submap;
// IDs of the nodes that were inserted into this map together with
// constraints for them. They are not to be matched again when this submap
// becomes 'finished'.
std::set<NodeId> node_ids;
SubmapState state = SubmapState::kActive;
// Handles a new work item.
void AddWorkItem(const std::function<void()>& work_item) REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Adds connectivity and sampler for a trajectory if it does not exist.
void AddTrajectoryIfNeeded(int trajectory_id) REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Grows the optimization problem to have an entry for every element of
// 'insertion_submaps'. Returns the IDs for the 'insertion_submaps'.
std::vector<SubmapId> InitializeGlobalSubmapPoses(
int trajectory_id, const common::Time time,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Submap3D>>& insertion_submaps)
// Adds constraints for a node, and starts scan matching in the background.
void ComputeConstraintsForNode(
const NodeId& node_id,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Submap3D>> insertion_submaps,
bool newly_finished_submap) REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Computes constraints for a node and submap pair.
void ComputeConstraint(const NodeId& node_id, const SubmapId& submap_id)
// Adds constraints for older nodes whenever a new submap is finished.
void ComputeConstraintsForOldNodes(const SubmapId& submap_id)
// Registers the callback to run the optimization once all constraints have
// been computed, that will also do all work that queue up in 'work_queue_'.
void HandleWorkQueue() REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Waits until we caught up (i.e. nothing is waiting to be scheduled), and
// all computations have finished.
void WaitForAllComputations() EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// Runs the optimization. Callers have to make sure, that there is only one
// optimization being run at a time.
void RunOptimization() EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// Computes the local to global map frame transform based on the given
// 'global_submap_poses'.
transform::Rigid3d ComputeLocalToGlobalTransform(
const MapById<SubmapId, pose_graph::SubmapData3D>& global_submap_poses,
int trajectory_id) const REQUIRES(mutex_);
PoseGraph::SubmapData GetSubmapDataUnderLock(const SubmapId& submap_id)
common::Time GetLatestNodeTime(const NodeId& node_id,
const SubmapId& submap_id) const
// Logs histograms for the translational and rotational residual of node
// poses.
void LogResidualHistograms() REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Updates the trajectory connectivity structure with a new constraint.
void UpdateTrajectoryConnectivity(const Constraint& constraint)
const proto::PoseGraphOptions options_;
common::Mutex mutex_;
// If it exists, further work items must be added to this queue, and will be
// considered later.
std::unique_ptr<std::deque<std::function<void()>>> work_queue_
// How our various trajectories are related.
TrajectoryConnectivityState trajectory_connectivity_state_;
// We globally localize a fraction of the nodes from each trajectory.
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<common::FixedRatioSampler>>
global_localization_samplers_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Number of nodes added since last loop closure.
int num_nodes_since_last_loop_closure_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = 0;
// Whether the optimization has to be run before more data is added.
bool run_loop_closure_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = false;
// Schedules optimization (i.e. loop closure) to run.
void DispatchOptimization() REQUIRES(mutex_);
// Current optimization problem.
pose_graph::OptimizationProblem3D optimization_problem_;
pose_graph::ConstraintBuilder3D constraint_builder_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
std::vector<Constraint> constraints_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Submaps get assigned an ID and state as soon as they are seen, even
// before they take part in the background computations.
MapById<SubmapId, SubmapData> submap_data_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Data that are currently being shown.
MapById<NodeId, TrajectoryNode> trajectory_nodes_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
int num_trajectory_nodes_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = 0;
// Global submap poses currently used for displaying data.
MapById<SubmapId, pose_graph::SubmapData3D> global_submap_poses_
// Global landmark poses with all observations.
std::map<std::string /* landmark ID */, PoseGraph::LandmarkNode>
landmark_nodes_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// List of all trimmers to consult when optimizations finish.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PoseGraphTrimmer>> trimmers_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Set of all frozen trajectories not being optimized.
std::set<int> frozen_trajectories_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Whether or not optimize landmark poses.
bool freeze_landmarks_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = false;
// Set of all finished trajectories.
std::set<int> finished_trajectories_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Set of all initial trajectory poses.
std::map<int, InitialTrajectoryPose> initial_trajectory_poses_
// Allows querying and manipulating the pose graph by the 'trimmers_'. The
// 'mutex_' of the pose graph is held while this class is used.
class TrimmingHandle : public Trimmable {
TrimmingHandle(PoseGraph3D* parent);
~TrimmingHandle() override {}
int num_submaps(int trajectory_id) const override;
void MarkSubmapAsTrimmed(const SubmapId& submap_id)
REQUIRES(parent_->mutex_) override;
bool IsFinished(int trajectory_id) const override;
PoseGraph3D* const parent_;
} // namespace mapping
} // namespace cartographer