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.. Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
.. DO NOT EDIT! This documentation is AUTOGENERATED, please edit .proto files as
.. needed and run scripts/
bool use_nonmonotonic_steps
Configure the Ceres solver. See the Ceres documentation for more
int32 max_num_iterations
Not yet documented.
int32 num_threads
Not yet documented.
bool use_trajectory_builder_2d
Not yet documented.
bool use_trajectory_builder_3d
Not yet documented.
int32 num_background_threads
Number of threads to use for background computations.
cartographer.mapping.proto.SparsePoseGraphOptions sparse_pose_graph_options
Not yet documented.
int32 optimize_every_n_scans
Online loop closure: If positive, will run the loop closure while the map
is built.
cartographer.mapping.sparse_pose_graph.proto.ConstraintBuilderOptions constraint_builder_options
Options for the constraint builder.
double matcher_translation_weight
Weight used in the optimization problem for the translational component of
non-loop-closure scan matcher constraints.
double matcher_rotation_weight
Weight used in the optimization problem for the rotational component of
non-loop-closure scan matcher constraints.
cartographer.mapping.sparse_pose_graph.proto.OptimizationProblemOptions optimization_problem_options
Options for the optimization problem.
int32 max_num_final_iterations
Number of iterations to use in 'optimization_problem_options' for the final
double global_sampling_ratio
Rate at which we sample a single trajectory's scans for global
cartographer.mapping_2d.proto.LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions trajectory_builder_2d_options
Not yet documented.
cartographer.mapping_3d.proto.LocalTrajectoryBuilderOptions trajectory_builder_3d_options
Not yet documented.
bool pure_localization
Not yet documented.
double sampling_ratio
A constraint will be added if the proportion of added constraints to
potential constraints drops below this number.
double max_constraint_distance
Threshold for poses to be considered near a submap.
cartographer.sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions adaptive_voxel_filter_options
This is only used for 2D.
Voxel filter used to compute a sparser point cloud for matching.
double min_score
Threshold for the scan match score below which a match is not considered.
Low scores indicate that the scan and map do not look similar.
double global_localization_min_score
Threshold below which global localizations are not trusted.
double loop_closure_translation_weight
Weight used in the optimization problem for the translational component of
loop closure constraints.
double loop_closure_rotation_weight
Weight used in the optimization problem for the rotational component of
loop closure constraints.
bool log_matches
If enabled, logs information of loop-closing constraints for debugging.
cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.FastCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions fast_correlative_scan_matcher_options
Options for the internally used scan matchers.
cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions ceres_scan_matcher_options
Not yet documented.
cartographer.mapping_3d.scan_matching.proto.FastCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions fast_correlative_scan_matcher_options_3d
Not yet documented.
cartographer.sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions high_resolution_adaptive_voxel_filter_options
Voxel filter used for high resolution, only used for 3D loop closure.
cartographer.sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions low_resolution_adaptive_voxel_filter_options
Voxel filter used for low resolution, 3D loop closure refinement.
cartographer.mapping_3d.scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions ceres_scan_matcher_options_3d
Not yet documented.
double huber_scale
Scaling parameter for Huber loss function.
double acceleration_weight
Scaling parameter for the IMU acceleration term.
double rotation_weight
Scaling parameter for the IMU rotation term.
double consecutive_scan_translation_penalty_factor
Penalty factors for changes to the relative pose between consecutive scans.
double consecutive_scan_rotation_penalty_factor
Not yet documented.
bool log_solver_summary
If true, the Ceres solver summary will be logged for every optimization.
cartographer.common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options
Not yet documented.
float min_range
Rangefinder points outside these ranges will be dropped.
float max_range
Not yet documented.
float min_z
Not yet documented.
float max_z
Not yet documented.
float missing_data_ray_length
Points beyond 'max_range' will be inserted with this length as empty space.
int32 scans_per_accumulation
Number of scans to accumulate into one unwarped, combined scan to use for
scan matching.
float voxel_filter_size
Voxel filter that gets applied to the range data immediately after
cartographer.sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions adaptive_voxel_filter_options
Voxel filter used to compute a sparser point cloud for matching.
bool use_online_correlative_scan_matching
Whether to solve the online scan matching first using the correlative scan
matcher to generate a good starting point for Ceres.
cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.RealTimeCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions real_time_correlative_scan_matcher_options
Not yet documented.
cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions ceres_scan_matcher_options
Not yet documented.
cartographer.mapping_3d.proto.MotionFilterOptions motion_filter_options
Not yet documented.
double imu_gravity_time_constant
Time constant in seconds for the orientation moving average based on
observed gravity via the IMU. It should be chosen so that the error
1. from acceleration measurements not due to gravity (which gets worse when
the constant is reduced) and
2. from integration of angular velocities (which gets worse when the
constant is increased) is balanced.
cartographer.mapping_2d.proto.SubmapsOptions submaps_options
Not yet documented.
bool use_imu_data
True if IMU data should be expected and used.
double hit_probability
Probability change for a hit (this will be converted to odds and therefore
must be greater than 0.5).
double miss_probability
Probability change for a miss (this will be converted to odds and therefore
must be less than 0.5).
bool insert_free_space
If 'false', free space will not change the probabilities in the occupancy
double resolution
Resolution of the map in meters.
int32 num_range_data
Number of scans before adding a new submap. Each submap will get twice the
number of scans inserted: First for initialization without being matched
against, then while being matched.
cartographer.mapping_2d.proto.RangeDataInserterOptions range_data_inserter_options
Not yet documented.
double occupied_space_weight
Scaling parameters for each cost functor.
double translation_weight
Not yet documented.
double rotation_weight
Not yet documented.
cartographer.common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options
Configure the Ceres solver. See the Ceres documentation for more
double linear_search_window
Minimum linear search window in which the best possible scan alignment
will be found.
double angular_search_window
Minimum angular search window in which the best possible scan alignment
will be found.
int32 branch_and_bound_depth
Number of precomputed grids to use.
double linear_search_window
Minimum linear search window in which the best possible scan alignment
will be found.
double angular_search_window
Minimum angular search window in which the best possible scan alignment
will be found.
double translation_delta_cost_weight
Weights applied to each part of the score.
double rotation_delta_cost_weight
Not yet documented.
float min_range
Rangefinder points outside these ranges will be dropped.
float max_range
Not yet documented.
int32 scans_per_accumulation
Number of scans to accumulate into one unwarped, combined scan to use for
scan matching.
float voxel_filter_size
Voxel filter that gets applied to the range data immediately after
cartographer.sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions high_resolution_adaptive_voxel_filter_options
Voxel filter used to compute a sparser point cloud for matching.
cartographer.sensor.proto.AdaptiveVoxelFilterOptions low_resolution_adaptive_voxel_filter_options
Not yet documented.
bool use_online_correlative_scan_matching
Whether to solve the online scan matching first using the correlative scan
matcher to generate a good starting point for Ceres.
cartographer.mapping_2d.scan_matching.proto.RealTimeCorrelativeScanMatcherOptions real_time_correlative_scan_matcher_options
Not yet documented.
cartographer.mapping_3d.scan_matching.proto.CeresScanMatcherOptions ceres_scan_matcher_options
Not yet documented.
cartographer.mapping_3d.proto.MotionFilterOptions motion_filter_options
Not yet documented.
double imu_gravity_time_constant
Time constant in seconds for the orientation moving average based on
observed gravity via the IMU. It should be chosen so that the error
1. from acceleration measurements not due to gravity (which gets worse when
the constant is reduced) and
2. from integration of angular velocities (which gets worse when the
constant is increased) is balanced.
cartographer.mapping_3d.proto.SubmapsOptions submaps_options
Not yet documented.
double max_time_seconds
Threshold above which a new scan is inserted based on time.
double max_distance_meters
Threshold above which a new scan is inserted based on linear motion.
double max_angle_radians
Threshold above which a new scan is inserted based on rotational motion.
double hit_probability
Probability change for a hit (this will be converted to odds and therefore
must be greater than 0.5).
double miss_probability
Probability change for a miss (this will be converted to odds and therefore
must be less than 0.5).
int32 num_free_space_voxels
Up to how many free space voxels are updated for scan matching.
0 disables free space.
double high_resolution
Resolution of the 'high_resolution' map in meters used for local SLAM and
loop closure.
double high_resolution_max_range
Maximum range to filter the point cloud to before insertion into the
'high_resolution' map.
double low_resolution
Resolution of the 'low_resolution' version of the map in meters used for
local SLAM only.
int32 num_range_data
Number of scans before adding a new submap. Each submap will get twice the
number of scans inserted: First for initialization without being matched
against, then while being matched.
cartographer.mapping_3d.proto.RangeDataInserterOptions range_data_inserter_options
Not yet documented.
double translation_weight
Scaling parameters for each cost functor.
double rotation_weight
Not yet documented.
bool only_optimize_yaw
Whether only to allow changes to yaw, keeping roll/pitch constant.
cartographer.common.proto.CeresSolverOptions ceres_solver_options
Configure the Ceres solver. See the Ceres documentation for more
int32 branch_and_bound_depth
Number of precomputed grids to use.
int32 full_resolution_depth
Number of full resolution grids to use, additional grids will reduce the
resolution by half each.
int32 rotational_histogram_size
Number of histogram buckets for the rotational scan matcher.
double min_rotational_score
Minimum score for the rotational scan matcher.
double linear_xy_search_window
Linear search window in the plane orthogonal to gravity in which the best
possible scan alignment will be found.
double linear_z_search_window
Linear search window in the gravity direction in which the best possible
scan alignment will be found.
double angular_search_window
Minimum angular search window in which the best possible scan alignment
will be found.
float max_length
'max_length' of a voxel edge.
float min_num_points
If there are more points and not at least 'min_num_points' remain, the
voxel length is reduced trying to get this minimum number of points.
float max_range
Points further away from the origin are removed.