/* * Copyright 2017 The Cartographer Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "cartographer_grpc/framework/server.h" #include "cartographer_grpc/framework/execution_context.h" #include "cartographer_grpc/framework/proto/math_service.grpc.pb.h" #include "cartographer_grpc/framework/proto/math_service.pb.h" #include "cartographer_grpc/framework/rpc_handler.h" #include "glog/logging.h" #include "grpc++/grpc++.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace cartographer_grpc { namespace framework { namespace { class MathServerContext : public ExecutionContext { public: int additional_increment() { return 10; } }; class GetSumHandler : public RpcHandler, proto::GetSumResponse> { public: void OnRequest(const proto::GetSumRequest& request) override { sum_ += GetContext()->additional_increment(); sum_ += request.input(); } void OnReadsDone() override { auto response = cartographer::common::make_unique(); response->set_output(sum_); Send(std::move(response)); } private: int sum_ = 0; }; class GetRunningSumHandler : public RpcHandler, Stream> { public: void OnRequest(const proto::GetSumRequest& request) override { sum_ += request.input(); // Respond twice to demonstrate bidirectional streaming. auto response = cartographer::common::make_unique(); response->set_output(sum_); Send(std::move(response)); response = cartographer::common::make_unique(); response->set_output(sum_); Send(std::move(response)); } void OnReadsDone() override { Finish(::grpc::Status::OK); } private: int sum_ = 0; }; class GetSquareHandler : public RpcHandler { void OnRequest(const proto::GetSquareRequest& request) override { auto response = cartographer::common::make_unique(); response->set_output(request.input() * request.input()); Send(std::move(response)); } }; // TODO(cschuet): Due to the hard-coded part these tests will become flaky when // run in parallel. It would be nice to find a way to solve that. gRPC also // allows to communicate over UNIX domain sockets. const std::string kServerAddress = "localhost:50051"; const std::size_t kNumThreads = 1; class ServerTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() override { Server::Builder server_builder; server_builder.SetServerAddress(kServerAddress); server_builder.SetNumberOfThreads(kNumThreads); server_builder.RegisterHandler("GetSum"); server_builder.RegisterHandler("GetSquare"); server_builder.RegisterHandler( "GetRunningSum"); server_ = server_builder.Build(); client_channel_ = grpc::CreateChannel(kServerAddress, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()); stub_ = proto::Math::NewStub(client_channel_); } std::unique_ptr server_; std::shared_ptr client_channel_; std::unique_ptr stub_; grpc::ClientContext client_context_; }; TEST_F(ServerTest, StartAndStopServerTest) { server_->Start(); server_->Shutdown(); } TEST_F(ServerTest, ProcessRpcStreamTest) { server_->SetExecutionContext( cartographer::common::make_unique()); server_->Start(); proto::GetSumResponse result; std::unique_ptr> writer( stub_->GetSum(&client_context_, &result)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { proto::GetSumRequest request; request.set_input(i); EXPECT_TRUE(writer->Write(request)); } writer->WritesDone(); grpc::Status status = writer->Finish(); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ(result.output(), 33); server_->Shutdown(); } TEST_F(ServerTest, ProcessUnaryRpcTest) { server_->Start(); proto::GetSquareResponse result; proto::GetSquareRequest request; request.set_input(11); grpc::Status status = stub_->GetSquare(&client_context_, request, &result); EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ(result.output(), 121); server_->Shutdown(); } TEST_F(ServerTest, ProcessBidiStreamingRpcTest) { server_->Start(); auto reader_writer = stub_->GetRunningSum(&client_context_); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { proto::GetSumRequest request; request.set_input(i); EXPECT_TRUE(reader_writer->Write(request)); } reader_writer->WritesDone(); proto::GetSumResponse response; std::list expected_responses = {0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3}; while (reader_writer->Read(&response)) { EXPECT_EQ(expected_responses.front(), response.output()); expected_responses.pop_front(); } EXPECT_TRUE(expected_responses.empty()); server_->Shutdown(); } } // namespace } // namespace framework } // namespace cartographer_grpc