#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 The Cartographer Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """A dumb CMakeLists.txt generator that relies on source name conventions.""" from os import path import argparse import collections import os import re def MakeRelative(filename, directory): absolute_directory = path.realpath(directory) filename = path.realpath(filename) return path.relpath(filename, absolute_directory) def MaybeUseCmakeFile(filename): cmake_filename = filename + ".cmake" return cmake_filename if os.path.exists(cmake_filename) else filename class Target(object): """Container for data for a cmake target.""" def __init__(self, target_type, name, directory, srcs, hdrs): self.type = target_type self.name = name self.directory = directory self.srcs = srcs self.hdrs = hdrs self.depends = set() self.uses = set() def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s, nsrcs:%s, %s)" % (self.type, self.name, len(self.srcs), self.depends) def Format(self, directory): """Formats the target for writing into a CMakeLists.txt file.""" lines = ["%s(%s" % (self.type, self.name),] for use in sorted(self.uses): lines.append(" " + use) if self.srcs: lines.append(" SRCS") lines.extend(" " + MakeRelative(s, directory) for s in sorted(self.srcs)) if self.hdrs: lines.append(" HDRS") lines.extend(" " + MakeRelative(s, directory) for s in sorted(self.hdrs)) if self.depends: lines.append(" DEPENDS") lines.extend(" " + s for s in sorted(self.depends)) lines.append(")") return "\n".join(lines) + "\n\n" def ExtractProjectIncludes(project_name, source): """Returns all locally included files.""" includes = set() for line in open(MaybeUseCmakeFile(source)): if source.endswith(".proto"): match = re.match(r'^import "(' + project_name + r'/[^"]+)', line) else: match = re.match(r'^#include "(' + project_name + r'/[^"]+)"', line) if match: includes.add(match.group(1)) return includes def ExtractUses(project_name, source): """Finds the options for the third_party libraries used.""" uses = set() for line in open(MaybeUseCmakeFile(source)): if re.match(r'^#include "Eigen/', line): uses.add("USES_EIGEN") if re.match(r"^#include ", line): uses.add("USES_LUA") if re.match(r'^#include "ceres/', line): uses.add("USES_CERES") if re.match(r'^#include "glog/', line): uses.add("USES_GLOG") if re.match(r'^#include "gflags/', line): uses.add("USES_GFLAGS") if re.match(r'^#include ["<]boost/', line): uses.add("USES_BOOST") if re.match(r'^#include ["<]webp/', line): uses.add("USES_WEBP") if re.match(r'^#include ["<]pcl/', line): uses.add("USES_PCL") if re.match(r'^#include ["<]ros/', line): uses.add("USES_ROS") if re.match(r'^#include "[a-zA-Z]*_msgs/', line): uses.add("USES_ROS") if re.match(r'^#include ["<]yaml-cpp/', line): uses.add("USES_YAMLCPP") if re.match(r'^#include ["<]cairo/', line): uses.add("USES_CAIRO") if project_name != "cartographer": if re.match(r'^#include ["<]cartographer/', line): uses.add("USES_CARTOGRAPHER") return uses def FindSourceFiles(basedir): sources = set() for (directory, _, filenames) in os.walk(basedir): for filename in filenames: ext = path.splitext(filename)[-1] if ext in [".h", ".cc", ".proto"]: sources.add(path.join(directory, filename)) elif filename.endswith(".h.cmake"): sources.add(path.join(directory, path.splitext(filename)[0])) yield (directory, sources) def GetNonGoogleTargetLines(filename): """Returns text not written by this script. Returns a dictionary where keys are target names and values are list of lines that came after this target in the file. It also contains a special key called 'START' for lines that came before any target. """ GOOGLE_TARGET = re.compile(r"^google_[a-z_]*\((.*)$") parts = collections.defaultdict(list) current_target = "START" if path.exists(filename): ignoring = False for line in open(filename): m = GOOGLE_TARGET.match(line) if m is not None: current_target = m.group(1) ignoring = True continue if line == "\n" and ignoring: ignoring = False continue if not ignoring: parts[current_target].append(line) return parts def ParseArgs(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Automatically update cMakeFiles using build conventions.") p.add_argument("root", type=str, nargs="*", help="Source directory.") args = p.parse_args() return args def main(): args = ParseArgs() for root in args.root: RunOnDirectory(root) def RunOnDirectory(root): root = root.rstrip("/") targets_by_src = {} targets = [] project_name = os.path.basename(root) base_directory = path.realpath(path.join(root, path.pardir)) directories = set() def AddTarget(target_type, name, directory, srcs, hdrs): """Adds a new target to 'targets' and updates 'targets_by_src'.""" target = Target(target_type, name, directory, srcs, hdrs) targets.append(target) for s in srcs + hdrs: relative_s = MakeRelative(s, base_directory) targets_by_src[relative_s] = target if s.endswith(".proto"): proto_stem = os.path.splitext(relative_s)[0] targets_by_src[proto_stem + ".pb.h"] = target targets_by_src[proto_stem + ".pb.cc"] = target directories.add(directory) for (directory, sources) in FindSourceFiles(root): module_name = path.relpath(directory, path.realpath(root)).replace("/", "_") prepend_module_name = lambda s: (module_name + "_" + s) if module_name != "." else s headers = set(fn for fn in sources if fn.endswith(".h")) sources -= headers for h in sorted(headers): srcs = [] name = prepend_module_name(path.basename(path.splitext(h)[0])) cc_file = path.splitext(h)[0] + ".cc" if cc_file in sources: sources.remove(cc_file) srcs.append(cc_file) AddTarget("google_library", name, directory, srcs, [h]) tests = set(fn for fn in sources if fn.endswith("_test.cc")) sources -= tests for c in sorted(tests): name = prepend_module_name(path.basename(path.splitext(c)[0])) AddTarget("google_test", name, directory, [c], []) protos = set(fn for fn in sources if fn.endswith(".proto")) sources -= protos for c in sorted(protos): name = prepend_module_name(path.basename(path.splitext(c)[0])) AddTarget("google_proto_library", name, directory, [c], []) mains = set(fn for fn in sources if fn.endswith("_main.cc")) sources -= mains for c in sorted(mains): # Binaries do not get their full subpath appended, but we prepend # 'cartographer' to distinguish them after installation. So, # 'io/assets_writer_main.cc' will generate a binary called # 'cartographer_assets_writer'. name = "cartographer_" + path.basename(path.splitext(c)[0][:-5]) AddTarget("google_binary", name, directory, [c], []) assert (not sources), "Remaining sources without target: %s" % sources # Write the CMakeLists.txt files. for directory in directories: targets_in_directory = [t for t in targets if t.directory == directory] for target in targets_in_directory: for src in target.srcs + target.hdrs: for header in ExtractProjectIncludes(project_name, src): dependant = targets_by_src[header] if dependant.name == target.name: continue target.depends.add(dependant.name) target.uses.update(ExtractUses(project_name, src)) if target.type is "google_test" and "USES_ROS" in target.uses: target.type = "google_catkin_test" cmake_file = path.join(directory, "CMakeLists.txt") parts = GetNonGoogleTargetLines(cmake_file) sorted_parts = [] def dump(lines_as_list): lines = "".join(lines_as_list) if not lines: return sorted_parts.append(lines) dump(parts["START"]) del parts["START"] for target in targets_in_directory: dump(target.Format(directory)) if target.name in parts: dump(parts[target.name]) del parts[target.name] for target in sorted(parts.keys()): dump(parts[target]) with open(cmake_file, "w") as outfile: outfile.write("".join(sorted_parts).rstrip() + "\n") if __name__ == "__main__": main()