# Cartographer Project Overview Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping ([SLAM](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_localization_and_mapping)) across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. ## Installation instructions For Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty): sudo apt-get install \ g++ \ google-mock \ libboost-all-dev \ libgflags-dev \ libgoogle-glog-dev \ liblua5.2-dev \ libprotobuf-dev \ libsuitesparse-dev \ libwebp-dev \ ninja-build \ protobuf-compiler \ python-sphinx Download, build and install Ceres: git clone https://ceres-solver.googlesource.com/ceres-solver cd ceres-solver mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make sudo make install Build Cartographer: cd cartographer mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -G Ninja ninja ## Running with Velodyne data apt-get install libpcap-dev cd git clone git@github.com:ros-drivers/velodyne.git cd /src ln -s /velodyne/velodyne* .