Extract velocity estimation from poses into a function. ()

Wolfgang Hess 2017-07-31 12:31:28 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent a6d94c07cf
commit b28bc3bc9e
2 changed files with 35 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ void PoseExtrapolator::AddPose(const common::Time time,
timed_pose_queue_[1].time <= time - pose_queue_duration_) {
@ -58,36 +59,40 @@ void PoseExtrapolator::AddImuData(const sensor::ImuData& imu_data) {
transform::Rigid3d PoseExtrapolator::ExtrapolatePose(const common::Time time) {
const TimedPose& newest_timed_pose = timed_pose_queue_.back();
CHECK(time >= newest_timed_pose.time);
const double extrapolation_delta =
common::ToSeconds(time - newest_timed_pose.time);
return transform::Rigid3d::Translation(extrapolation_delta *
linear_velocity_from_poses_) *
newest_timed_pose.pose *
void PoseExtrapolator::UpdateVelocitiesFromPoses() {
if (timed_pose_queue_.size() < 2) {
// We need two poses to estimate velocities.
const TimedPose& newest_timed_pose = timed_pose_queue_.back();
const auto newest_time = newest_timed_pose.time;
const transform::Rigid3d& newest_pose = newest_timed_pose.pose;
CHECK(time >= newest_time);
if (timed_pose_queue_.size() == 1) {
return newest_pose;
const TimedPose& oldest_timed_pose = timed_pose_queue_.front();
const auto oldest_time = oldest_timed_pose.time;
const transform::Rigid3d& oldest_pose = oldest_timed_pose.pose;
const double queue_delta = common::ToSeconds(newest_time - oldest_time);
if (queue_delta < 0.001) { // 1 ms
LOG(WARNING) << "Queue too short for extrapolation, returning most recent "
"pose. Queue duration: "
LOG(WARNING) << "Queue too short for velocity estimation. Queue duration: "
<< queue_delta << " ms";
return newest_pose;
const Eigen::Vector3d linear_velocity =
const transform::Rigid3d& newest_pose = newest_timed_pose.pose;
const transform::Rigid3d& oldest_pose = oldest_timed_pose.pose;
linear_velocity_from_poses_ =
(newest_pose.translation() - oldest_pose.translation()) / queue_delta;
const Eigen::Vector3d angular_velocity_from_pose =
angular_velocity_from_poses_ =
oldest_pose.rotation().inverse() * newest_pose.rotation()) /
const double extrapolation_delta = common::ToSeconds(time - newest_time);
return transform::Rigid3d::Translation(extrapolation_delta *
linear_velocity) *
newest_pose *
ExtrapolateRotation(time, angular_velocity_from_pose));
void PoseExtrapolator::TrimImuData() {
@ -98,20 +103,19 @@ void PoseExtrapolator::TrimImuData() {
Eigen::Quaterniond PoseExtrapolator::ExtrapolateRotation(
const common::Time time,
const Eigen::Vector3d& angular_velocity_from_pose) {
const common::Time time) {
common::Time current = timed_pose_queue_.back().time;
if (imu_data_.empty() || imu_data_.front().time >= time) {
return RotationFromAngularVelocity(time - current,
// TODO(whess): Use the ImuTracker here?
// TODO(whess): Keep the last extrapolated pose.
Eigen::Quaterniond current_rotation;
auto imu_it = imu_data_.begin();
if (imu_it->time > current) {
current_rotation = RotationFromAngularVelocity(imu_it->time - current,
current_rotation = RotationFromAngularVelocity(
imu_it->time - current, angular_velocity_from_poses_);
current = imu_it->time;
} else {
current_rotation = Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity();

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@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ namespace cartographer {
namespace mapping {
// Keeps poses for a certain duration to estimate linear and angular velocity,
// and uses the velocities to extrapolate motion.
// and uses the velocities to extrapolate motion. Uses IMU data if available to
// improve the extrapolation of orientation.
// TODO(whess): Add IMU data and odometry and provide improved extrapolation
// models making use of all available data.
// TODO(whess): Add odometry and provide improved extrapolation models making
// use of all available data.
class PoseExtrapolator {
explicit PoseExtrapolator(common::Duration pose_queue_duration);
@ -47,9 +48,9 @@ class PoseExtrapolator {
transform::Rigid3d ExtrapolatePose(common::Time time);
void UpdateVelocitiesFromPoses();
void TrimImuData();
Eigen::Quaterniond ExtrapolateRotation(
common::Time time, const Eigen::Vector3d& angular_velocity_from_pose);
Eigen::Quaterniond ExtrapolateRotation(common::Time time);
const common::Duration pose_queue_duration_;
struct TimedPose {
@ -57,6 +58,9 @@ class PoseExtrapolator {
transform::Rigid3d pose;
std::deque<TimedPose> timed_pose_queue_;
Eigen::Vector3d linear_velocity_from_poses_ = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
Eigen::Vector3d angular_velocity_from_poses_ = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
std::deque<sensor::ImuData> imu_data_;