#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' # ported from https://gist.github.com/f0k/63a664160d016a491b2cbea15913d549 ''' import ctypes CUDA_SUCCESS = 0 def get_gpu_archs(): libnames = ('libcuda.so', 'libcuda.dylib', 'cuda.dll') for libname in libnames: try: cuda = ctypes.CDLL(libname) except OSError: continue else: break else: return gpu_archs = set() n_gpus = ctypes.c_int() cc_major = ctypes.c_int() cc_minor = ctypes.c_int() result = ctypes.c_int() device = ctypes.c_int() error_str = ctypes.c_char_p() result = cuda.cuInit(0) if result != CUDA_SUCCESS: cuda.cuGetErrorString(result, ctypes.byref(error_str)) # print('cuInit failed with error code %d: %s' % (result, error_str.value.decode())) return [] result = cuda.cuDeviceGetCount(ctypes.byref(n_gpus)) if result != CUDA_SUCCESS: cuda.cuGetErrorString(result, ctypes.byref(error_str)) # print('cuDeviceGetCount failed with error code %d: %s' % (result, error_str.value.decode())) return [] for i in range(n_gpus.value): if cuda.cuDeviceComputeCapability(ctypes.byref(cc_major), ctypes.byref(cc_minor), device) == CUDA_SUCCESS: gpu_archs.add(str(cc_major.value) + str(cc_minor.value)) return list(gpu_archs) if __name__ == '__main__': print(' '.join(get_gpu_archs()))