import glob import random import os import sys import numpy as np from PIL import Image import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from utils.augmentations import horisontal_flip from import Dataset import torchvision.transforms as transforms def pad_to_square(img, pad_value): c, h, w = img.shape dim_diff = np.abs(h - w) # (upper / left) padding and (lower / right) padding pad1, pad2 = dim_diff // 2, dim_diff - dim_diff // 2 # Determine padding pad = (0, 0, pad1, pad2) if h <= w else (pad1, pad2, 0, 0) # Add padding img = F.pad(img, pad, "constant", value=pad_value) return img, pad def resize(image, size): image = F.interpolate(image.unsqueeze(0), size=size, mode="nearest").squeeze(0) return image def random_resize(images, min_size=288, max_size=448): new_size = random.sample(list(range(min_size, max_size + 1, 32)), 1)[0] images = F.interpolate(images, size=new_size, mode="nearest") return images class ImageFolder(Dataset): def __init__(self, folder_path, img_size=416): self.files = sorted(glob.glob("%s/*.*" % folder_path)) self.img_size = img_size def __getitem__(self, index): img_path = self.files[index % len(self.files)] # Extract image as PyTorch tensor img = transforms.ToTensor()( # Pad to square resolution img, _ = pad_to_square(img, 0) # Resize img = resize(img, self.img_size) return img_path, img def __len__(self): return len(self.files) class ListDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, list_path, img_size=416, augment=True, multiscale=True, normalized_labels=True): with open(list_path, "r") as file: self.img_files = file.readlines() self.label_files = [ path.replace("images", "labels").replace(".png", ".txt").replace(".jpg", ".txt") for path in self.img_files ] self.img_size = img_size self.max_objects = 100 self.augment = augment self.multiscale = multiscale self.normalized_labels = normalized_labels self.min_size = self.img_size - 3 * 32 self.max_size = self.img_size + 3 * 32 self.batch_count = 0 def __getitem__(self, index): # --------- # Image # --------- img_path = self.img_files[index % len(self.img_files)].rstrip() img_path = 'E:\\eclipse-workspace\\PyTorch\\PyTorch-YOLOv3\\data\\coco' + img_path #print (img_path) # Extract image as PyTorch tensor img = transforms.ToTensor()('RGB')) # Handle images with less than three channels if len(img.shape) != 3: img = img.unsqueeze(0) img = img.expand((3, img.shape[1:])) _, h, w = img.shape h_factor, w_factor = (h, w) if self.normalized_labels else (1, 1) # Pad to square resolution img, pad = pad_to_square(img, 0) _, padded_h, padded_w = img.shape # --------- # Label # --------- label_path = self.label_files[index % len(self.img_files)].rstrip() label_path = 'E:\\eclipse-workspace\\PyTorch\\PyTorch-YOLOv3\\data\\coco\\labels' + label_path #print (label_path) targets = None if os.path.exists(label_path): boxes = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(label_path).reshape(-1, 5)) # Extract coordinates for unpadded + unscaled image x1 = w_factor * (boxes[:, 1] - boxes[:, 3] / 2) y1 = h_factor * (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 4] / 2) x2 = w_factor * (boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3] / 2) y2 = h_factor * (boxes[:, 2] + boxes[:, 4] / 2) # Adjust for added padding x1 += pad[0] y1 += pad[2] x2 += pad[1] y2 += pad[3] # Returns (x, y, w, h) boxes[:, 1] = ((x1 + x2) / 2) / padded_w boxes[:, 2] = ((y1 + y2) / 2) / padded_h boxes[:, 3] *= w_factor / padded_w boxes[:, 4] *= h_factor / padded_h targets = torch.zeros((len(boxes), 6)) targets[:, 1:] = boxes # Apply augmentations if self.augment: if np.random.random() < 0.5: img, targets = horisontal_flip(img, targets) return img_path, img, targets def collate_fn(self, batch): paths, imgs, targets = list(zip(*batch)) # Remove empty placeholder targets targets = [boxes for boxes in targets if boxes is not None] # Add sample index to targets for i, boxes in enumerate(targets): boxes[:, 0] = i targets =, 0) # Selects new image size every tenth batch if self.multiscale and self.batch_count % 10 == 0: self.img_size = random.choice(range(self.min_size, self.max_size + 1, 32)) # Resize images to input shape imgs = torch.stack([resize(img, self.img_size) for img in imgs]) self.batch_count += 1 return paths, imgs, targets def __len__(self): return len(self.img_files)