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//! @addtogroup quality //! @{
Quality API, Image Quality Analysis
Implementation of various image quality analysis (IQA) algorithms
Mean squared error (MSE) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_squared_error
Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_signal-to-noise_ratio
Structural similarity (SSIM) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_similarity
Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation (GMSD) http://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cslzhang/IQA/GMSD/GMSD.htm In general, the GMSD algorithm should yield the best result for full-reference IQA.
Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluation (BRISQUE) http://live.ece.utexas.edu/research/Quality/nrqa.htm
All algorithms can be accessed through the simpler static compute
or be accessed by instance created via the static create
Instance methods are designed to be more performant when comparing one source file against multiple comparison files, as the algorithm-specific preprocessing on the source file need not be repeated with each call.
For performance reaasons, it is recommended, but not required, for users of this module to convert input images to grayscale images prior to processing. SSIM and GMSD were originally tested by their respective researchers on grayscale uint8 images, but this implementation will compute the values for each channel if the user desires to do so.
BRISQUE is a NR-IQA algorithm (No-Reference) which doesn't require a reference image.
Quick Start/Usage
C++ Implementations
For Full Reference IQA Algorithms (MSE, PSNR, SSIM, GMSD)
#include <opencv2/quality.hpp>
cv::Mat img1, img2; /* your cv::Mat images to compare */
cv::Mat quality_map; /* output quality map (optional) */
/* compute MSE via static method */
cv::Scalar result_static = quality::QualityMSE::compute(img1, img2, quality_map); /* or cv::noArray() if not interested in output quality maps */
/* alternatively, compute MSE via instance */
cv::Ptr<quality::QualityBase> ptr = quality::QualityMSE::create(img1);
cv::Scalar result = ptr->compute( img2 ); /* compute MSE, compare img1 vs img2 */
ptr->getQualityMap(quality_map); /* optionally, access output quality maps */
For No Reference IQA Algorithm (BRISQUE)
#include <opencv2/quality.hpp>
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("/path/to/my_image.bmp"); // path to the image to evaluate
cv::String model_path = "path/to/brisque_model_live.yml"; // path to the trained model
cv::String range_path = "path/to/brisque_range_live.yml"; // path to range file
/* compute BRISQUE quality score via static method */
cv::Scalar result_static = quality::QualityBRISQUE::compute(img,
model_path, range_path);
/* alternatively, compute BRISQUE via instance */
cv::Ptr<quality::QualityBase> ptr = quality::QualityBRISQUE::create(model_path, range_path);
cv::Scalar result = ptr->compute(img); /* computes BRISQUE score for img */
Python Implementations
For Full Reference IQA Algorithms (MSE, PSNR, SSIM, GSMD)
import cv2
# read images
img1 = cv2.imread(img1, 1) # specify img1
img2 = cv2.imread(img2_path, 1) # specify img2_path
# compute MSE score and quality maps via static method
result_static, quality_map = cv2.quality.QualityMSE_compute(img1, img2)
# compute MSE score and quality maps via Instance
obj = cv2.quality.QualityMSE_create(img1)
result = obj.compute(img2)
quality_map = obj.getQualityMap()
For No Reference IQA Algorithm (BRISQUE)
import cv2
# read image
img = cv2.imread(img_path, 1) # mention img_path
# compute brisque quality score via static method
score = cv2.quality.QualityBRISQUE_compute(img, model_path,
range_path) # specify model_path and range_path
# compute brisque quality score via instance
# specify model_path and range_path
obj = cv2.quality.QualityBRISQUE_create(model_path, range_path)
score = obj.compute(img)
Library Design
Each implemented algorithm shall:
- Inherit from
, and properly implement/overridecompute
instance methods, along with a staticcompute
method. - Accept one
for computation. Each inputcv::Mat
may contain one or more channels. If the algorithm does not support multiple channels, it should be documented and an appropriate assertion should be in place. - Return a
with per-channel computed value - Compute result via a single, static method named
and via an overridden instance method (seecompute
). - Perform any setup and/or pre-processing of reference images in the constructor, allowing for efficient computation when comparing the reference image versus multiple comparison image(s). No-reference algorithms should accept images for evaluation in the
method. - Optionally compute resulting quality map. Instance
method should store them inQualityBase::_qualityMap
as the mat type defined byQualityBase::_mat_type
, or overrideQualityBase::getQualityMap
. Staticcompute
method should return the quality map in anOutputArray
parameter. - Document algorithm in this readme and in its respective header. Documentation should include interpretation for the results of
as well as the format of the output quality map (if supported), along with any other notable usage information. - Implement tests of static
method and instance methods using single- and multi-channel images and OpenCL enabled and disabled
To Do
- Document the output quality maps for each algorithm
- Investigate precision loss with cv::Filter2D + UMat + CV_32F + OCL for GMSD
//! @}