// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html // This code is also subject to the license terms in the LICENSE_KinectFusion.md file found in this module's directory #define CV_LOG_STRIP_LEVEL CV_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace cv; using namespace cv::dynafu; using namespace std; #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ #include #endif static vector readDepth(std::string fileList); static vector readDepth(std::string fileList) { vector v; fstream file(fileList); if(!file.is_open()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read depth list"); std::string dir; size_t slashIdx = fileList.rfind('/'); slashIdx = slashIdx != std::string::npos ? slashIdx : fileList.rfind('\\'); dir = fileList.substr(0, slashIdx); while(!file.eof()) { std::string s, imgPath; std::getline(file, s); if(s.empty() || s[0] == '#') continue; std::stringstream ss; ss << s; double thumb; ss >> thumb >> imgPath; v.push_back(dir+'/'+imgPath); } return v; } struct DepthWriter { DepthWriter(string fileList) : file(fileList, ios::out), count(0), dir() { size_t slashIdx = fileList.rfind('/'); slashIdx = slashIdx != std::string::npos ? slashIdx : fileList.rfind('\\'); dir = fileList.substr(0, slashIdx); if(!file.is_open()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write depth list"); file << "# depth maps saved from device" << endl; file << "# useless_number filename" << endl; } void append(InputArray _depth) { Mat depth = _depth.getMat(); string depthFname = cv::format("%04d.png", count); string fullDepthFname = dir + '/' + depthFname; if(!imwrite(fullDepthFname, depth)) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to write depth to file " + fullDepthFname); file << count++ << " " << depthFname << endl; } fstream file; int count; string dir; }; namespace Kinect2Params { static const Size frameSize = Size(512, 424); // approximate values, no guarantee to be correct static const float focal = 366.1f; static const float cx = 258.2f; static const float cy = 204.f; static const float k1 = 0.12f; static const float k2 = -0.34f; static const float k3 = 0.12f; }; struct DepthSource { public: DepthSource(int cam) : DepthSource("", cam) { } DepthSource(String fileListName) : DepthSource(fileListName, -1) { } DepthSource(String fileListName, int cam) : depthFileList(fileListName.empty() ? vector() : readDepth(fileListName)), frameIdx(0), vc( cam >= 0 ? VideoCapture(VideoCaptureAPIs::CAP_OPENNI2 + cam) : VideoCapture()), undistortMap1(), undistortMap2(), useKinect2Workarounds(true) { } UMat getDepth() { UMat out; if (!vc.isOpened()) { if (frameIdx < depthFileList.size()) { Mat f = cv::imread(depthFileList[frameIdx++], IMREAD_ANYDEPTH); f.copyTo(out); } else { return UMat(); } } else { vc.grab(); vc.retrieve(out, CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_MAP); // workaround for Kinect 2 if(useKinect2Workarounds) { out = out(Rect(Point(), Kinect2Params::frameSize)); UMat outCopy; // linear remap adds gradient between valid and invalid pixels // which causes garbage, use nearest instead remap(out, outCopy, undistortMap1, undistortMap2, cv::INTER_NEAREST); cv::flip(outCopy, out, 1); } } if (out.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Matrix is empty"); return out; } bool empty() { return depthFileList.empty() && !(vc.isOpened()); } void updateParams(Params& params) { if (vc.isOpened()) { // this should be set in according to user's depth sensor int w = (int)vc.get(VideoCaptureProperties::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); int h = (int)vc.get(VideoCaptureProperties::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); float focal = (float)vc.get(CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR | CAP_PROP_OPENNI_FOCAL_LENGTH); // it's recommended to calibrate sensor to obtain its intrinsics float fx, fy, cx, cy; Size frameSize; if(useKinect2Workarounds) { fx = fy = Kinect2Params::focal; cx = Kinect2Params::cx; cy = Kinect2Params::cy; frameSize = Kinect2Params::frameSize; } else { fx = fy = focal; cx = w/2 - 0.5f; cy = h/2 - 0.5f; frameSize = Size(w, h); } Matx33f camMatrix = Matx33f(fx, 0, cx, 0, fy, cy, 0, 0, 1); params.frameSize = frameSize; params.intr = camMatrix; params.depthFactor = 1000.f; Matx distCoeffs; distCoeffs(0) = Kinect2Params::k1; distCoeffs(1) = Kinect2Params::k2; distCoeffs(4) = Kinect2Params::k3; if(useKinect2Workarounds) initUndistortRectifyMap(camMatrix, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), camMatrix, frameSize, CV_16SC2, undistortMap1, undistortMap2); } } vector depthFileList; size_t frameIdx; VideoCapture vc; UMat undistortMap1, undistortMap2; bool useKinect2Workarounds; }; #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ const std::string vizWindowName = "cloud"; struct PauseCallbackArgs { PauseCallbackArgs(DynaFu& _df) : df(_df) { } DynaFu& df; }; void pauseCallback(const viz::MouseEvent& me, void* args); void pauseCallback(const viz::MouseEvent& me, void* args) { if(me.type == viz::MouseEvent::Type::MouseMove || me.type == viz::MouseEvent::Type::MouseScrollDown || me.type == viz::MouseEvent::Type::MouseScrollUp) { PauseCallbackArgs pca = *((PauseCallbackArgs*)(args)); viz::Viz3d window(vizWindowName); UMat rendered; pca.df.render(rendered, window.getViewerPose().matrix); imshow("render", rendered); waitKey(1); } } #endif static const char* keys = { "{help h usage ? | | print this message }" "{depth | | Path to depth.txt file listing a set of depth images }" "{camera |0| Index of depth camera to be used as a depth source }" "{coarse | | Run on coarse settings (fast but ugly) or on default (slow but looks better)," " in coarse mode points and normals are displayed }" "{idle | | Do not run DynaFu, just display depth frames }" "{record | | Write depth frames to specified file list" " (the same format as for the 'depth' key) }" }; static const std::string message = "\nThis demo uses live depth input or RGB-D dataset taken from" "\nhttps://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset" "\nto demonstrate KinectFusion implementation \n"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool coarse = false; bool idle = false; string recordPath; CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys); parser.about(message); if(!parser.check()) { parser.printMessage(); parser.printErrors(); return -1; } if(parser.has("help")) { parser.printMessage(); return 0; } if(parser.has("coarse")) { coarse = true; } if(parser.has("record")) { recordPath = parser.get("record"); } if(parser.has("idle")) { idle = true; } Ptr ds; if (parser.has("depth")) ds = makePtr(parser.get("depth")); else ds = makePtr(parser.get("camera")); if (ds->empty()) { std::cerr << "Failed to open depth source" << std::endl; parser.printMessage(); return -1; } Ptr depthWriter; if(!recordPath.empty()) depthWriter = makePtr(recordPath); Ptr params; Ptr df; if(coarse) params = Params::coarseParams(); else params = Params::defaultParams(); // These params can be different for each depth sensor ds->updateParams(*params); // Enables OpenCL explicitly (by default can be switched-off) cv::setUseOptimized(false); // Scene-specific params should be tuned for each scene individually //params->volumePose = params->volumePose.translate(Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.5f)); //params->tsdf_max_weight = 16; namedWindow("OpenGL Window", WINDOW_OPENGL); resizeWindow("OpenGL Window", 1, 1); if(!idle) df = DynaFu::create(params); #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ cv::viz::Viz3d window(vizWindowName); window.setViewerPose(Affine3f::Identity()); bool pause = false; #endif UMat rendered; UMat points; UMat normals; int64 prevTime = getTickCount(); for(UMat frame = ds->getDepth(); !frame.empty(); frame = ds->getDepth()) { Mat depthImg, vertImg, normImg; setOpenGlContext("OpenGL Window"); df->renderSurface(depthImg, vertImg, normImg); if(!depthImg.empty()) { UMat depthCvt8, vertCvt8, normCvt8; convertScaleAbs(depthImg, depthCvt8, 0.33*255); vertImg.convertTo(vertCvt8, CV_8UC3, 255); normImg.convertTo(normCvt8, CV_8UC3, 255); imshow("Surface prediction", depthCvt8); imshow("vertex prediction", vertCvt8); imshow("normal prediction", normCvt8); } if(depthWriter) depthWriter->append(frame); #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ if(pause) { // doesn't happen in idle mode df->getCloud(points, normals); if(!points.empty() && !normals.empty()) { viz::WCloud cloudWidget(points, viz::Color::white()); viz::WCloudNormals cloudNormals(points, normals, /*level*/1, /*scale*/0.05, viz::Color::gray()); Vec3d volSize = df->getParams().voxelSize*Vec3d(df->getParams().volumeDims); window.showWidget("cube", viz::WCube(Vec3d::all(0), volSize), df->getParams().volumePose); PauseCallbackArgs pca(*df); window.registerMouseCallback(pauseCallback, (void*)&pca); window.showWidget("text", viz::WText(cv::String("Move camera in this window. " "Close the window or press Q to resume"), Point())); window.spin(); window.removeWidget("text"); //window.removeWidget("cloud"); //window.removeWidget("normals"); window.registerMouseCallback(0); } pause = false; } else #endif { UMat cvt8; float depthFactor = params->depthFactor; convertScaleAbs(frame, cvt8, 0.25*256. / depthFactor); if(!idle) { imshow("depth", cvt8); if(!df->update(frame)) { df->reset(); std::cout << "reset" << std::endl; } #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ else { Mat meshCloud, meshEdges, meshPoly; df->marchCubes(meshCloud, meshEdges); for(int i = 0; i < meshEdges.size().height; i += 3) { meshPoly.push_back(3); meshPoly.push_back(meshEdges.at(i, 0)); meshPoly.push_back(meshEdges.at(i+1, 0)); meshPoly.push_back(meshEdges.at(i+2, 0)); } viz::WMesh mesh(meshCloud.t(), meshPoly); window.showWidget("mesh", mesh); if(coarse) { df->getCloud(points, normals); if(!points.empty() && !normals.empty()) { viz::WCloud cloudWidget(points, viz::Color::white()); viz::WCloudNormals cloudNormals(points, normals, /*level*/1, /*scale*/0.05, viz::Color::gray()); //window.showWidget("cloud", cloudWidget); //window.showWidget("normals", cloudNormals); if(!df->getNodesPos().empty()) { viz::WCloud nodeCloud(df->getNodesPos(), viz::Color::red()); nodeCloud.setRenderingProperty(viz::POINT_SIZE, 4); window.showWidget("nodes", nodeCloud); } } } //window.showWidget("worldAxes", viz::WCoordinateSystem()); Vec3d volSize = df->getParams().voxelSize*df->getParams().volumeDims; window.showWidget("cube", viz::WCube(Vec3d::all(0), volSize), df->getParams().volumePose); window.setViewerPose(df->getPose()); window.spinOnce(1, true); } #endif df->render(rendered); } else { rendered = cvt8; } } int64 newTime = getTickCount(); putText(rendered, cv::format("FPS: %2d press R to reset, P to pause, Q to quit", (int)(getTickFrequency()/(newTime - prevTime))), Point(0, rendered.rows-1), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar(0, 255, 255)); prevTime = newTime; imshow("render", rendered); int c = waitKey(1); switch (c) { case 'r': if(!idle) df->reset(); break; case 'q': return 0; #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ case 'p': if(!idle) pause = true; #endif default: break; } } return 0; }