@article{Benoit2010, title={Using human visual system modeling for bio-inspired low level image processing}, author={Benoit, Alexandre and Caplier, Alice and Durette, Barth{\'e}l{\'e}my and H{\'e}rault, Jeanny}, journal={Computer vision and Image understanding}, volume={114}, number={7}, pages={758--773}, year={2010}, publisher={Elsevier} } @INPROCEEDINGS{Benoit2014, author={Strat, S.T. and Benoit, A. and Lambert, P.}, booktitle={Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European}, title={Retina enhanced bag of words descriptors for video classification}, year={2014}, month={Sept}, pages={1307-1311} } @inproceedings{Strat2013, title={Retina enhanced SIFT descriptors for video indexing}, author={Strat, Sabin Tiberius and Benoit, Alexandre and Lambert, Patrick}, booktitle={Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 2013 11th International Workshop on}, pages={201--206}, year={2013}, organization={IEEE} } @book{Herault2010, title={Vision: Images, Signals and Neural Networks-Models of Neural Processing in Visual Perception}, author={Jeanny, Herault}, year={2010}, publisher={World Scientific} } @inproceedings{Chaix2007, title={Efficient demosaicing through recursive filtering}, author={De Lavar{\`e}ne, Brice Chaix and Alleysson, David and Durette, Barth{\'e}l{\'e}my and H{\'e}rault, Jeanny}, booktitle={Image Processing, 2007. ICIP 2007. IEEE International Conference on}, volume={2}, pages={II--189}, year={2007}, organization={IEEE} } @article{Meylan2007, title={Model of retinal local adaptation for the tone mapping of color filter array images}, author={Meylan, Laurence and Alleysson, David and S{\"u}sstrunk, Sabine}, journal={JOSA A}, volume={24}, number={9}, pages={2807--2816}, year={2007}, publisher={Optical Society of America} }