feat: 添加注释

邱棚 2024-11-28 14:39:32 +08:00
parent ff06627956
commit ef6e7c7589
3 changed files with 197 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ class LidarModel:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create Map
map = Map('real_map.png')
map = Map(file_path='maps/real_map.png', origin=(-30.0, -24.0),
plt.imshow(map.data, cmap='gray',
extent=[map.origin[0], map.origin[0] +
map.width * map.resolution,

View File

@ -21,20 +21,20 @@ class Obstacle:
:param cy: y coordinate of center of obstacle in world coordinates
:param radius: radius of circular obstacle in m
self.cx = cx
self.cy = cy
self.radius = radius
self.cx = cx # 障碍物中心的 x 坐标(世界坐标系)
self.cy = cy # 障碍物中心的 y 坐标(世界坐标系)
self.radius = radius # 障碍物的半径(以米为单位)
def show(self):
Display obstacle on current axis.
# 使用 matplotlib 在绘图中显示圆形障碍物
# Draw circle
circle = plt_patches.Circle(xy=(self.cx, self.cy), radius=
self.radius, color=OBSTACLE, zorder=20)
ax = plt.gca()
ax = plt.gca() # 获取当前轴
ax.add_patch(circle) # 将障碍物添加到绘图中
@ -55,22 +55,23 @@ class Map:
# Set binarization threshold
self.threshold_occupied = threshold_occupied
self.threshold_occupied = threshold_occupied # 设置二值化阈值
# Numpy array containing map data
self.data = np.array(Image.open(file_path))[:, :, 0]
self.data = np.array(Image.open(file_path))[:, :, 0] # 加载地图图像
# Process raw map image
self.process_map() # 处理地图(包括二值化和小孔去除)
# Store meta information
self.height = self.data.shape[0] # height of the map in px
self.width = self.data.shape[1] # width of the map in px
self.resolution = resolution # resolution of the map in m/px
self.origin = origin # x and y coordinates of map origin
self.height = self.data.shape[0] # 地图高度(像素)
self.width = self.data.shape[1] # 地图宽度(像素)
self.resolution = resolution # 地图分辨率(每像素代表的实际米数)
self.origin = origin # 地图原点坐标(左下角)
# (bottom-left corner) in m
# Containers for user-specified additional obstacles and boundaries
# 初始化障碍物和边界的容器
self.obstacles = list()
self.boundaries = list()
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ class Map:
:param y: y coordinate in global coordinate system
:return: discrete x and y coordinates in px
# 从世界坐标系转换为地图坐标系
dx = int(np.floor((x - self.origin[0]) / self.resolution))
dy = int(np.floor((y - self.origin[1]) / self.resolution))
@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ class Map:
:param dy: y coordinate in map coordinate system
:return: x and y coordinates of cell center in global coordinate system
# 从地图坐标系转换为世界坐标系
x = (dx + 0.5) * self.resolution + self.origin[0]
y = (dy + 0.5) * self.resolution + self.origin[1]
@ -107,11 +110,11 @@ class Map:
# Binarization using specified threshold
# 1 corresponds to free, 0 to occupied
self.data = np.where(self.data >= self.threshold_occupied, 1, 0)
self.data = np.where(self.data >= self.threshold_occupied, 1, 0) # 二值化
# Remove small holes in map corresponding to spurious measurements
self.data = remove_small_holes(self.data, area_threshold=5,
connectivity=8).astype(np.int8) # 去除小孔
def add_obstacles(self, obstacles):
@ -126,11 +129,12 @@ class Map:
for obstacle in obstacles:
# Compute radius of circular object in pixels
radius_px = int(np.ceil(obstacle.radius / self.resolution))
radius_px = int(np.ceil(obstacle.radius / self.resolution)) # 半径像素
# Get center coordinates of obstacle in map coordinates
cx_px, cy_px = self.w2m(obstacle.cx, obstacle.cy)
cx_px, cy_px = self.w2m(obstacle.cx, obstacle.cy) # 转为地图坐标
# Add circular object to map
# 在地图上生成障碍物区域
y, x = np.ogrid[-radius_px: radius_px, -radius_px: radius_px]
index = x ** 2 + y ** 2 <= radius_px ** 2
self.data[cy_px-radius_px:cy_px+radius_px, cx_px-radius_px:
@ -142,21 +146,24 @@ class Map:
:param boundaries: list of tuples containing coordinates of boundaries'
start and end points
# 向地图中添加线性边界
# Extend list of boundaries
# Iterate over list of boundaries
# 遍历边界列表
for boundary in boundaries:
sx = self.w2m(boundary[0][0], boundary[0][1])
gx = self.w2m(boundary[1][0], boundary[1][1])
path_x, path_y, _ = line_aa(sx[0], sx[1], gx[0], gx[1])
sx = self.w2m(boundary[0][0], boundary[0][1]) # 起点
gx = self.w2m(boundary[1][0], boundary[1][1]) # 终点
path_x, path_y, _ = line_aa(sx[0], sx[1], gx[0], gx[1]) # 绘制线条
for x, y in zip(path_x, path_y):
self.data[y, x] = 0
self.data[y, x] = 0 # 标记边界
if __name__ == '__main__':
map = Map('maps/real_map.png')
# map = Map('maps/sim_map.png')
plt.imshow(np.flipud(map.data), cmap='gray')
map = Map(file_path='maps/real_map.png', origin=(-30.0, -24.0),
# map = Map(file_path='maps/sim_map.png', origin=[-1, -2],
# resolution=0.005)
plt.imshow(np.flipud(map.data), cmap='gray') # 显示地图

View File

@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ class Waypoint:
orientation of waypoint psi and local curvature kappa. Waypoint further
contains an associated reference velocity computed by the speed profile
and a path width specified by upper and lower bounds.
:param x: x position in global coordinate system | [m]
:param y: y position in global coordinate system | [m]
:param psi: orientation of waypoint | [rad]
:param kappa: local curvature | [1 / m]
:param x: x position in global coordinate system | [m] 路径点的 x 坐标
:param y: y position in global coordinate system | [m] 路径点的 y 坐标
:param psi: orientation of waypoint | [rad] 路径点方向角相对于全局坐标系
:param kappa: local curvature | [1 / m] 路径点的局部曲率
self.x = x
self.y = y
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ class Waypoint:
self.kappa = kappa
# Reference velocity at this waypoint according to speed profile
# 根据速度剖面计算的参考速度(此路径点的目标速度)
self.v_ref = None
# Information about drivable area at waypoint
@ -42,10 +44,15 @@ class Waypoint:
# waypoint orientation.
# Upper bound: free drivable area to the left of center-line in m
# Lower bound: free drivable area to the right of center-line in m
# 可驾驶区域的信息
# 上边界:路径点中心线左侧的最大可驾驶距离(单位:米)
# 下边界:路径点中心线右侧的最大可驾驶距离(单位:米)
self.lb = None
self.ub = None
self.static_border_cells = None
self.dynamic_border_cells = None
# 静态边界和动态边界的网格单元(存储额外信息)
self.static_border_cells = None # 静态边界信息
self.dynamic_border_cells = None # 动态边界信息
def __sub__(self, other):
@ -54,6 +61,11 @@ class Waypoint:
:param other: subtrahend
:return: euclidean distance between two waypoints
:param other: 被减数另一个路径点
:return: 两个路径点的欧几里得距离
return ((self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2)**0.5
@ -70,58 +82,63 @@ class ReferencePath:
corner points with given resolution. Smoothing around corners can be
applied. Waypoints represent center-line of the path with specified
maximum width to both sides.
:param map: map object on which path will be placed
:param wp_x: x coordinates of corner points in global coordinates
:param wp_y: y coordinates of corner points in global coordinates
:param resolution: resolution of the path in m/wp
:param smoothing_distance: number of waypoints used for smoothing the
:param map: map object on which path will be placed 地图对象路径将基于此地图生成
:param wp_x: x coordinates of corner points in global coordinates 关键点的 x 坐标全局坐标系
:param wp_y: y coordinates of corner points in global coordinates 关键点的 y 坐标全局坐标系
:param resolution: resolution of the path in m/wp 路径的分辨率单位/路径点
:param smoothing_distance: number of waypoints used for smoothing the 平滑路径时使用的滑动窗口大小
path by averaging neighborhood of waypoints
:param max_width: maximum width of path to both sides in m
:param circular: True if path circular
:param max_width: maximum width of path to both sides in m 路径两侧的最大宽度单位
:param circular: True if path circular 如果路径是闭合的则为 True
# Precision
# 数值精度
self.eps = 1e-12
# Map
# 地图对象
self.map = map
# Resolution of the path
# 路径分辨率
self.resolution = resolution
# Look ahead distance for path averaging
# 路径平滑的滑动窗口大小
self.smoothing_distance = smoothing_distance
# Circular flag
# 是否为闭合路径
self.circular = circular
# List of waypoint objects
# 构造路径点
self.waypoints = self._construct_path(wp_x, wp_y)
# Number of waypoints
# 路径点数量
self.n_waypoints = len(self.waypoints)
# Length of path
# 计算路径总长度
self.length, self.segment_lengths = self._compute_length()
# Compute path width (attribute of each waypoint)
# 计算路径宽度(每个路径点的属性)
def _construct_path(self, wp_x, wp_y):
Construct path from given waypoints.
:param wp_x: x coordinates of waypoints in global coordinates
:param wp_y: y coordinates of waypoints in global coordinates
:return: list of waypoint objects
:param wp_x: x coordinates of waypoints in global coordinates 关键点的 x 坐标
:param wp_y: y coordinates of waypoints in global coordinates 关键点的 y 坐标
:return: list of waypoint objects 路径点列表
# Number of waypoints
# 计算关键点之间所需插值的路径点数量
n_wp = [int(np.sqrt((wp_x[i + 1] - wp_x[i]) ** 2 +
(wp_y[i + 1] - wp_y[i]) ** 2) /
self.resolution) for i in range(len(wp_x) - 1)]
# Construct waypoints with specified resolution
gp_x, gp_y = wp_x[-1], wp_y[-1]
# 使用指定分辨率生成路径点
gp_x, gp_y = wp_x[-1], wp_y[-1] # 最后一段路径的终点
wp_x = [np.linspace(wp_x[i], wp_x[i+1], n_wp[i], endpoint=False).
tolist() for i in range(len(wp_x)-1)]
wp_x = [wp for segment in wp_x for wp in segment] + [gp_x]
@ -129,7 +146,7 @@ class ReferencePath:
tolist() for i in range(len(wp_y) - 1)]
wp_y = [wp for segment in wp_y for wp in segment] + [gp_y]
# Smooth path
# 使用滑动平均对路径进行平滑
wp_xs = []
wp_ys = []
for wp_id in range(self.smoothing_distance, len(wp_x) -
@ -139,7 +156,7 @@ class ReferencePath:
wp_ys.append(np.mean(wp_y[wp_id - self.smoothing_distance:wp_id
+ self.smoothing_distance + 1]))
# Construct list of waypoint objects
# 将 (x, y) 坐标转化为路径点对象
waypoints = list(zip(wp_xs, wp_ys))
waypoints = self._construct_waypoints(waypoints)
@ -149,35 +166,45 @@ class ReferencePath:
Reformulate conventional waypoints (x, y) coordinates into waypoint
objects containing (x, y, psi, kappa, ub, lb)
将普通的路径点 (x, y) 转换为包含方向角和曲率的路径点对象
:param waypoint_coordinates: list of (x, y) coordinates of waypoints in
global coordinates
:return: list of waypoint objects for entire reference path
global coordinates 路径点的 (x, y) 坐标列表
:return: list of waypoint objects for entire reference path 包含路径点对象的列表
# List containing waypoint objects
# 路径点对象列表
waypoints = []
# Iterate over all waypoints
# 遍历所有路径点
for wp_id in range(len(waypoint_coordinates) - 1):
# Get start and goal waypoints
# 获取当前路径点和下一个路径点的坐标
current_wp = np.array(waypoint_coordinates[wp_id])
next_wp = np.array(waypoint_coordinates[wp_id + 1])
# Difference vector
# 当前路径点到下一个路径点的向量
dif_ahead = next_wp - current_wp
# Angle ahead
# 当前路径点到下一个路径点的方向角
psi = np.arctan2(dif_ahead[1], dif_ahead[0])
# Distance to next waypoint
# 当前路径点到下一个路径点的距离
dist_ahead = np.linalg.norm(dif_ahead, 2)
# Get x and y coordinates of current waypoint
# 当前路径点的 x 和 y 坐标
x, y = current_wp[0], current_wp[1]
# Compute local curvature at waypoint
# 计算路径点的局部曲率
# first waypoint
# 第一个路径点
if wp_id == 0:
kappa = 0
@ -196,7 +223,8 @@ class ReferencePath:
Compute length of center-line path as sum of euclidean distance between
:return: length of center-line path in m
:return: length of center-line path in m 路径的长度单位
segment_lengths = [0.0] + [self.waypoints[wp_id+1] - self.waypoints
[wp_id] for wp_id in range(len(self.waypoints)-1)]
@ -207,16 +235,21 @@ class ReferencePath:
Compute the width of the path by checking the maximum free space to
the left and right of the center-line.
:param max_width: maximum width of the path.
:param max_width: maximum width of the path. 路径的最大宽度
# Iterate over all waypoints
# 遍历所有路径点
for wp_id, wp in enumerate(self.waypoints):
# List containing information for current waypoint
# 当前路径点的信息列表
width_info = []
# Check width left and right of the center-line
# 检查路径中心线左右两侧的宽度
for i, dir in enumerate(['left', 'right']):
# Get angle orthogonal to path in current direction
# 获取当前方向上与路径正交的角度
if dir == 'left':
angle = np.mod(wp.psi + math.pi / 2 + math.pi,
2 * math.pi) - math.pi
@ -224,19 +257,25 @@ class ReferencePath:
angle = np.mod(wp.psi - math.pi / 2 + math.pi,
2 * math.pi) - math.pi
# Get closest cell to orthogonal vector
# 获取与正交向量最近的网格单元
t_x, t_y = self.map.w2m(wp.x + max_width * np.cos(angle), wp.y
+ max_width * np.sin(angle))
# Compute distance to orthogonal cell on path border
# 计算到路径边界上正交网格单元的距离
b_value, b_cell = self._get_min_width(wp, t_x, t_y, max_width)
# Add information to list for current waypoint
# 将当前路径点的信息添加到列表中
# Set waypoint attributes with width to the left and right
# 设置路径点的左右两侧宽度
wp.ub = width_info[0]
wp.lb = -1 * width_info[2] # minus can be assumed as waypoints
wp.lb = -1 * width_info[2] # minus can be assumed as waypoints 负号可以认为是路径点
# represent center-line of the path
# 表示路径的中心线
# Set border cells of waypoint
# 设置路径点的边界网格单元
wp.static_border_cells = (width_info[1], width_info[3])
wp.dynamic_border_cells = (width_info[1], width_info[3])
@ -244,15 +283,17 @@ class ReferencePath:
Compute the minimum distance between the current waypoint and the
orthogonal cell on the border of the path
:param wp: current waypoint
:param t_x: x coordinate of border cell in map coordinates
:param t_y: y coordinate of border cell in map coordinates
:param max_width: maximum path width in m
:return: min_width to border and corresponding cell
:param wp: current waypoint object 当前路径点对象
:param t_x: x coordinate of border cell in map coordinates 路径边界网格单元的 x 坐标
:param t_y: y coordinate of border cell in map coordinates 路径边界网格单元的 y 坐标
:param max_width: maximum path width in m 路径的最大宽度
:return: min_width to border and corresponding cell 最小距离和对应的网格单元
# Get neighboring cells of orthogonal cell (account for
# discretization inaccuracy)
# 获取正交网格单元的相邻网格单元(考虑离散化不准确性)
tn_x, tn_y = [], []
for i in range(-1, 2, 1):
for j in range(-1, 2, 1):
@ -260,24 +301,30 @@ class ReferencePath:
# Get pixel coordinates of waypoint
# 获取路径点的像素坐标
wp_x, wp_y = self.map.w2m(wp.x, wp.y)
# Get Bresenham paths to all possible cells
# 获取到所有可能网格单元的 Bresenham 路径
paths = []
for t_x, t_y in zip(tn_x, tn_y):
x_list, y_list, _ = line_aa(wp_x, wp_y, t_x, t_y)
paths.append(zip(x_list, y_list))
# Compute minimum distance to border cell
# 计算到边界网格单元的最小距离
min_width = max_width
# map inspected cell to world coordinates
# 将检查的网格单元映射到世界坐标系
min_cell = self.map.m2w(t_x, t_y)
for path in paths:
for cell in path:
t_x, t_y = cell[0], cell[1]
# If path goes through occupied cell
# 如果路径穿过占用的网格单元
if self.map.data[t_y, t_x] == 0:
# Get world coordinates
# 获取世界坐标
c_x, c_y = self.map.m2w(t_x, t_y)
cell_dist = np.sqrt((wp.x - c_x) ** 2 + (wp.y - c_y) ** 2)
if cell_dist < min_width:
@ -290,65 +337,82 @@ class ReferencePath:
Compute a speed profile for the path. Assign a reference velocity
to each waypoint based on its curvature.
:param Constraints: constraints on acceleration and velocity
:param Constraints: constraints on acceleration and velocity 路线上加速度速度曲率的约束条件
curvature of the path
# Set optimization horizon
# 设置优化范围
N = self.n_waypoints - 1
# Constraints
# 约束条件
a_min = np.ones(N-1) * Constraints['a_min']
a_max = np.ones(N-1) * Constraints['a_max']
v_min = np.ones(N) * Constraints['v_min']
v_max = np.ones(N) * Constraints['v_max']
# Maximum lateral acceleration
# 最大横向加速度
ay_max = Constraints['ay_max']
# Inequality Matrix
# 不等式矩阵
D1 = np.zeros((N-1, N))
# Iterate over horizon
# 遍历优化范围
for i in range(N):
# Get information about current waypoint
# 获取当前路径点的信息
current_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(i)
next_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(i+1)
# distance between waypoints
# 路径点之间的距离
li = next_waypoint - current_waypoint
# curvature of waypoint
# 路径点的曲率
ki = current_waypoint.kappa
# Fill operator matrix
# 填充运算符矩阵
# dynamics of acceleration
# 加速度的动力学
if i < N-1:
D1[i, i:i+2] = np.array([-1/(2*li), 1/(2*li)])
# Compute dynamic constraint on velocity
# 计算速度的动态约束
v_max_dyn = np.sqrt(ay_max / (np.abs(ki) + self.eps))
if v_max_dyn < v_max[i]:
v_max[i] = v_max_dyn
# Construct inequality matrix
# 构造不等式矩阵
D1 = sparse.csc_matrix(D1)
D2 = sparse.eye(N)
D = sparse.vstack([D1, D2], format='csc')
# Get upper and lower bound vectors for inequality constraints
# 获取不等式约束的上下界向量
l = np.hstack([a_min, v_min])
u = np.hstack([a_max, v_max])
# Set cost matrices
# 设置成本矩阵
P = sparse.eye(N, format='csc')
q = -1 * v_max
# Solve optimization problem
# 解决优化问题
problem = osqp.OSQP()
problem.setup(P=P, q=q, A=D, l=l, u=u, verbose=False)
speed_profile = problem.solve().x
# Assign reference velocity to every waypoint
# 为每个路径点分配参考速度
for i, wp in enumerate(self.waypoints[:-1]):
wp.v_ref = speed_profile[i]
self.waypoints[-1].v_ref = self.waypoints[-2].v_ref
@ -356,14 +420,17 @@ class ReferencePath:
def get_waypoint(self, wp_id):
Get waypoint corresponding to wp_id. Circular indexing supported.
:param wp_id: unique waypoint ID
:return: waypoint object
获取与路径点 ID 对应的路径点支持循环索引
:param wp_id: unique waypoint ID 唯一路径点 ID
:return: waypoint object corresponding to wp_id 与路径点 ID 对应的路径点对象
# Allow circular indexing if circular path
# 如果路径是闭合的,则支持循环索引
if wp_id >= self.n_waypoints and self.circular:
wp_id = np.mod(wp_id, self.n_waypoints)
# Terminate execution if end of path reached
# 如果到达路径的末尾,则终止执行
elif wp_id >= self.n_waypoints and not self.circular:
print('Reached end of path!')
@ -373,8 +440,9 @@ class ReferencePath:
def show(self, display_drivable_area=True):
Display path object on current figure.
:param display_drivable_area: If True, display arrows indicating width
of drivable area
of drivable area at waypoints. 如果为 True则在路径点处显示指示可行驶区域宽度的箭头
# Clear figure
@ -395,10 +463,12 @@ class ReferencePath:
# Get x and y coordinates for all waypoints
# 获取所有路径点的 x 和 y 坐标
wp_x = np.array([wp.x for wp in self.waypoints])
wp_y = np.array([wp.y for wp in self.waypoints])
# Get x and y locations of border cells for upper and lower bound
# 获取上下界的边界网格单元的 x 和 y 坐标
wp_ub_x = np.array([wp.static_border_cells[0][0] for wp in self.waypoints])
wp_ub_y = np.array([wp.static_border_cells[0][1] for wp in self.waypoints])
wp_lb_x = np.array([wp.static_border_cells[1][0] for wp in self.waypoints])
@ -409,6 +479,7 @@ class ReferencePath:
plt.scatter(wp_x, wp_y, c=WAYPOINTS, s=10)
# Plot arrows indicating drivable area
# 在路径点处显示指示可行驶区域的箭头
if display_drivable_area:
plt.quiver(wp_x, wp_y, wp_ub_x - wp_x, wp_ub_y - wp_y, scale=1,
units='xy', width=0.2*self.resolution, color=DRIVABLE_AREA,
@ -418,6 +489,7 @@ class ReferencePath:
headwidth=1, headlength=0)
# Plot border of path
# 绘制路径的边界
bl_x = np.array([wp.static_border_cells[0][0] for wp in
self.waypoints] +
@ -432,10 +504,12 @@ class ReferencePath:
# If circular path, connect start and end point
# 如果路径是闭合的,则连接起点和终点
if self.circular:
plt.plot(bl_x, bl_y, color='#5E5E5E')
plt.plot(br_x, br_y, color='#5E5E5E')
# If not circular, close path at start and end
# 如果路径不是闭合的,则在起点和终点处关闭路径
plt.plot(bl_x[:-1], bl_y[:-1], color=OBSTACLE)
plt.plot(br_x[:-1], br_y[:-1], color=OBSTACLE)
@ -443,7 +517,9 @@ class ReferencePath:
plt.plot((bl_x[0], br_x[0]), (bl_y[0], br_y[0]), color=OBSTACLE)
# Plot dynamic path constraints
# 绘制动态路径约束
# Get x and y locations of border cells for upper and lower bound
# 获取上下界的边界网格单元的 x 和 y 坐标
wp_ub_x = np.array(
[wp.dynamic_border_cells[0][0] for wp in self.waypoints]+
@ -460,57 +536,72 @@ class ReferencePath:
plt.plot(wp_lb_x, wp_lb_y, c=PATH_CONSTRAINTS)
# Plot obstacles
# 绘制障碍物
for obstacle in self.map.obstacles:
def _compute_free_segments(self, wp, min_width):
Compute free path segments.
:param wp: waypoint object
:param min_width: minimum width of valid segment
:return: segment candidates as list of tuples (ub_cell, lb_cell)
:param wp: waypoint object 路径点对象
:param min_width: minimum width of valid segment in m 有效路径段的最小宽度单位
:return: segment candidates as list of tuples (ub_cell, lb_cell) 作为元组列表的路径段候选项上界网格单元下界网格单元
# Candidate segments
# 候选路径段
free_segments = []
# Get waypoint's border cells in map coordinates
# 获取路径点的边界网格单元(地图坐标系)
ub_p = self.map.w2m(wp.static_border_cells[0][0],
lb_p = self.map.w2m(wp.static_border_cells[1][0],
# Compute path from left border cell to right border cell
# 计算从左边界网格单元到右边界网格单元的路径
x_list, y_list, _ = line_aa(ub_p[0], ub_p[1], lb_p[0], lb_p[1])
# Initialize upper and lower bound of drivable area to
# upper bound of path
# 初始化可驾驶区域的上下界为路径的上界
ub_o, lb_o = ub_p, ub_p
# Assume occupied path
# 假设路径被占用
free_cells = False
# Iterate over path from left border to right border
# 遍历从左边界到右边界的路径
for x, y in zip(x_list[1:], y_list[1:]):
# If cell is free, update lower bound
# 如果网格单元是空闲的,则更新下界
if self.map.data[y, x] == 1:
# Free cell detected
# 检测到空闲网格单元
free_cells = True
lb_o = (x, y)
# If cell is occupied or end of path, end segment. Add segment
# to list of candidates. Then, reset upper and lower bound to
# current cell.
# 如果网格单元被占用或到达路径末尾,则结束路径段。将路径段添加到候选列表中。然后,将上下界重置为当前网格单元。
if (self.map.data[y, x] == 0 or (x, y) == lb_p) and free_cells:
# Set lower bound to border cell of segment
# 将下界设置为路径段的边界网格单元
lb_o = (x, y)
# Transform upper and lower bound cells to world coordinates
# 将上下界网格单元转换为世界坐标系
ub_o = self.map.m2w(ub_o[0], ub_o[1])
lb_o = self.map.m2w(lb_o[0], lb_o[1])
# If segment larger than threshold, add to candidates
# 如果路径段大于阈值,则添加到候选列表
if np.sqrt((ub_o[0]-lb_o[0])**2 + (ub_o[1]-lb_o[1])**2) > \
free_segments.append((ub_o, lb_o))
# Start new segment
# 开始新的路径段
ub_o = (x, y)
free_cells = False
elif self.map.data[y, x] == 0 and not free_cells:
@ -523,24 +614,30 @@ class ReferencePath:
Compute upper and lower bounds of the drivable area orthogonal to
the given waypoint.
# container for constraints and border cells
# 约束和边界网格单元的容器
ub_hor = []
lb_hor = []
border_cells_hor = []
border_cells_hor_sm = []
# Iterate over horizon
# 遍历优化范围
for n in range(N):
# get corresponding waypoint
# 获取对应的路径点
wp = self.get_waypoint(wp_id+n)
# Get list of free segments
# 获取空闲路径段的列表
free_segments = self._compute_free_segments(wp, min_width)
# First waypoint in horizon uses largest segment
# 优化范围中的第一个路径点使用最大路径段
if n == 0:
segment_lengths = [np.sqrt((seg[0][0]-seg[1][0])**2 +
(seg[0][1]-seg[1][1])**2) for seg in free_segments]
@ -550,10 +647,12 @@ class ReferencePath:
# Get border cells of selected segment at previous waypoint
# 获取前一个路径点选择的路径段的边界网格单元
ub_pw, lb_pw = border_cells_hor[n-1]
ub_pw, lb_pw = list(ub_pw), list(lb_pw)
# Project border cells onto new waypoint in path direction
# 将边界网格单元投影到路径方向上的新路径点
wp_prev = self.get_waypoint(wp_id+n-1)
delta_s = wp_prev - wp
ub_pw[0] += delta_s * np.cos(wp_prev.psi)
@ -562,39 +661,47 @@ class ReferencePath:
lb_pw[1] += delta_s * np.sin(wp_prev.psi)
# Iterate over free segments for current waypoint
# 遍历当前路径点的空闲路径段
if len(free_segments) >= 2:
# container for overlap of segments with projection
# 包含与投影重叠的路径段的容器
segment_offsets = []
for free_segment in free_segments:
# Get border cells of segment
# 获取路径段的边界网格单元
ub_fs, lb_fs = free_segment
# distance between upper bounds and lower bounds
# 上界和下界之间的距离
d_ub = np.sqrt((ub_fs[0]-ub_pw[0])**2 + (ub_fs[1]-ub_pw[1])**2)
d_lb = np.sqrt((lb_fs[0]-lb_pw[0])**2 + (lb_fs[1]-lb_pw[1])**2)
mean_dist = (d_ub + d_lb) / 2
# Append offset to projected previous segment
# 添加到投影前一个路径段的偏移量
# Select segment with minimum offset to projected previous
# segment
# Select segment with minimum offset to projected previous segment
# 选择与投影前一个路径段的偏移量最小的路径段
ls_id = segment_offsets.index(min(segment_offsets))
ub_ls, lb_ls = free_segments[ls_id]
# Select free segment in case of only one candidate
# 如果只有一个候选路径段,则选择空闲路径段
elif len(free_segments) == 1:
ub_ls, lb_ls = free_segments[0]
# Set waypoint coordinates as bound cells if no feasible
# segment available
# 如果没有可行路径段,则将路径点坐标设置为边界网格单元
ub_ls, lb_ls = (wp.x, wp.y), (wp.x, wp.y)
# Check sign of upper and lower bound
# 检查上下界的符号
angle_ub = np.mod(np.arctan2(ub_ls[1] - wp.y, ub_ls[0] - wp.x)
- wp.psi + math.pi, 2 * math.pi) - math.pi
angle_lb = np.mod(np.arctan2(lb_ls[1] - wp.y, lb_ls[0] - wp.x)
@ -603,33 +710,40 @@ class ReferencePath:
sign_lb = np.sign(angle_lb)
# Compute upper and lower bound of largest drivable area
# 计算最大可行驶区域的上下界
ub = sign_ub * np.sqrt(
(ub_ls[0] - wp.x) ** 2 + (ub_ls[1] - wp.y) ** 2)
lb = sign_lb * np.sqrt(
(lb_ls[0] - wp.x) ** 2 + (lb_ls[1] - wp.y) ** 2)
# Subtract safety margin
# 减去安全边距
ub -= safety_margin
lb += safety_margin
# Check feasibility of the path
# 检查路径的可行性
if ub < lb:
# Upper and lower bound of 0 indicate an infeasible path
# given the specified safety margin
# 如果上下界为 0则表示路径不可行
ub, lb = 0.0, 0.0
# Compute absolute angle of bound cell
# 计算边界网格单元的绝对角度
angle_ub = np.mod(math.pi / 2 + wp.psi + math.pi,
2 * math.pi) - math.pi
angle_lb = np.mod(-math.pi / 2 + wp.psi + math.pi,
2 * math.pi) - math.pi
# Compute cell on bound for computed distance ub and lb
# 计算边界网格单元,用于计算距离 ub 和 lb
ub_ls = wp.x + ub * np.cos(angle_ub), wp.y + ub * np.sin(
lb_ls = wp.x - lb * np.cos(angle_lb), wp.y - lb * np.sin(
bound_cells_sm = (ub_ls, lb_ls)
# Compute cell on bound for computed distance ub and lb
# 计算边界网格单元,用于计算距离 ub 和 lb
ub_ls = wp.x + (ub + safety_margin) * np.cos(angle_ub), wp.y + (ub + safety_margin) * np.sin(
lb_ls = wp.x - (lb - safety_margin) * np.cos(angle_lb), wp.y - (lb - safety_margin) * np.sin(
@ -637,12 +751,14 @@ class ReferencePath:
bound_cells = (ub_ls, lb_ls)
# Append results
# 添加结果
# Assign dynamic border cells to waypoints
# 为路径点分配动态边界网格单元
wp.dynamic_border_cells = bound_cells_sm
return np.array(ub_hor), np.array(lb_hor), border_cells_hor_sm