Add function update_path_constraints to reference path

for more robust computation of path constraints
matssteinweg 2019-12-08 11:33:25 +01:00
parent 7abc906af5
commit df6e7351c8
4 changed files with 208 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -105,16 +105,18 @@ class MPC:
# Compute equality constraint offset (B*ur)
uq[n * self.nx:(n+1)*self.nx] =
([v_ref, kappa_ref])) - f
# Compute dynamic constraints on e_y
lb, ub, cells = self.model.reference_path.update_bounds(
self.model.wp_id + n, self.model.safety_margin[1])
xmin_dyn[self.nx * n] = lb
xmax_dyn[self.nx * n] = ub
# Constrain maximum speed based on predicted car curvature
vmax_dyn = np.sqrt(self.ay_max / (np.abs(kappa_pred[n]) + 1e-12))
if vmax_dyn < umax_dyn[*n]:
umax_dyn[*n] = vmax_dyn
# Compute dynamic constraints on e_y
ub, lb, cells = self.model.reference_path.update_path_constraints(
self.model.wp_id, self.N+1, 2*self.model.safety_margin[1], 0.05)
xmin_dyn[::self.nx] = lb
xmax_dyn[::self.nx] = ub
# Get equality matrix
Ax = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(self.N + 1),
-sparse.eye(self.nx)) + sparse.csc_matrix(A)

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@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ class Map:
if __name__ == '__main__':
map = Map('map_floor2.png')
plt.imshow(, cmap='gray')

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@ -336,6 +336,8 @@ class ReferencePath:
# Iterate over horizon
for i in range(N):
look_ahead = 30
# Get information about current waypoint
current_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(i)
next_waypoint = self.get_waypoint(i+1)
@ -343,6 +345,9 @@ class ReferencePath:
li = next_waypoint - current_waypoint
# curvature of waypoint
ki = current_waypoint.kappa
if np.abs(ki) <= 0.1:
kis = [wp.kappa for wp in self.waypoints[i:i+look_ahead]]
ki = np.mean(kis)
# Fill operator matrix
# dynamics of acceleration
@ -511,8 +516,8 @@ class ReferencePath:
# Plot map in gray-scale and set extent to match world coordinates
canvas = np.ones(
# canvas = np.flipud(
#canvas = np.ones(
canvas = np.flipud(
plt.imshow(canvas, cmap='gray',
extent=[[0],[0] + *,
@ -571,11 +576,184 @@ class ReferencePath:
for obstacle in self.obstacles:
def _compute_free_segments(self, wp, min_width):
Compute free path segments.
:param wp: waypoint object
:param min_width: minimum width of valid segment
:return: segment candidates as list of tuples (ub_cell, lb_cell)
# Candidate segments
free_segments = []
# Get waypoint's border cells in map coordinates
ub_p =[0][0],
lb_p =[1][0],
# Compute path from left border cell to right border cell
x_list, y_list = line(ub_p[0], ub_p[1], lb_p[0], lb_p[1])
# Initialize upper and lower bound of drivable area to
# upper bound of path
ub_o, lb_o = ub_p, ub_p
# Assume occupied path
free_cells = False
# Iterate over path from left border to right border
for x, y in zip(x_list[1:], y_list[1:]):
# If cell is free, update lower bound
if[y, x] == 1:
# Free cell detected
free_cells = True
lb_o = (x, y)
# If cell is occupied or end of path, end segment. Add segment
# to list of candidates. Then, reset upper and lower bound to
# current cell.
if ([y, x] == 0 or (x, y) == lb_p) and free_cells:
# Set lower bound to border cell of segment
lb_o = (x, y)
# Transform upper and lower bound cells to world coordinates
ub_o =[0], ub_o[1])
lb_o =[0], lb_o[1])
# If segment larger than threshold, add to candidates
if np.sqrt((ub_o[0]-lb_o[0])**2 + (ub_o[1]-lb_o[1])**2) > \
free_segments.append((ub_o, lb_o))
# Start new segment
ub_o = (x, y)
free_cells = False
elif[y, x] == 0 and not free_cells:
ub_o = (x, y)
lb_o = (x, y)
return free_segments
def update_path_constraints(self, wp_id, N, min_width, safety_margin):
Compute upper and lower bounds of the drivable area orthogonal to
the given waypoint.
# container for constraints and border cells
ub_hor = []
lb_hor = []
border_cells_hor = []
# Iterate over horizon
for n in range(N):
# get corresponding waypoint
wp = self.waypoints[wp_id+n]
# Get list of free segments
free_segments = self._compute_free_segments(wp, min_width)
# First waypoint in horizon uses largest segment
if n == 0:
segment_lengths = [np.sqrt((seg[0][0]-seg[1][0])**2 +
(seg[0][1]-seg[1][1])**2) for seg in free_segments]
ls_id = segment_lengths.index(max(segment_lengths))
ub_ls, lb_ls = free_segments[ls_id]
# Get border cells of selected segment at previous waypoint
ub_pw, lb_pw = border_cells_hor[n-1]
ub_pw, lb_pw = list(ub_pw), list(lb_pw)
# Project border cells onto new waypoint in path direction
wp_prev = self.waypoints[wp_id+n-1]
delta_s = wp_prev - wp
ub_pw[0] += delta_s * np.cos(wp_prev.psi)
ub_pw[1] += delta_s * np.cos(wp_prev.psi)
lb_pw[0] += delta_s * np.sin(wp_prev.psi)
lb_pw[1] += delta_s * np.sin(wp_prev.psi)
# Iterate over free segments for current waypoint
if len(free_segments) >= 2:
# container for overlap of segments with projection
segment_offsets = []
for free_segment in free_segments:
# Get border cells of segment
ub_fs, lb_fs = free_segment
# distance between upper bounds and lower bounds
d_ub = np.sqrt((ub_fs[0]-ub_pw[0])**2 + (ub_fs[1]-ub_pw[1])**2)
d_lb = np.sqrt((lb_fs[0]-lb_pw[0])**2 + (lb_fs[1]-lb_pw[1])**2)
mean_dist = (d_ub + d_lb) / 2
# Append offset to projected previous segment
# Select segment with minimum offset to projected previous
# segment
ls_id = segment_offsets.index(min(segment_offsets))
ub_ls, lb_ls = free_segments[ls_id]
# Select free segment in case of only one candidate
elif len(free_segments) == 1:
ub_ls, lb_ls = free_segments[0]
# Set waypoint coordinates as bound cells if no feasible
# segment available
ub_ls, lb_ls = (wp.x, wp.y), (wp.x, wp.y)
# Check sign of upper and lower bound
angle_ub = np.mod(np.arctan2(ub_ls[1] - wp.y, ub_ls[0] - wp.x)
- wp.psi + math.pi, 2 * math.pi) - math.pi
angle_lb = np.mod(np.arctan2(lb_ls[1] - wp.y, lb_ls[0] - wp.x)
- wp.psi + math.pi, 2 * math.pi) - math.pi
sign_ub = np.sign(angle_ub)
sign_lb = np.sign(angle_lb)
# Compute upper and lower bound of largest drivable area
ub = sign_ub * np.sqrt(
(ub_ls[0] - wp.x) ** 2 + (ub_ls[1] - wp.y) ** 2)
lb = sign_lb * np.sqrt(
(lb_ls[0] - wp.x) ** 2 + (lb_ls[1] - wp.y) ** 2)
# Subtract safety margin
ub -= safety_margin
lb += safety_margin
# Check feasibility of the path
if ub < lb:
# Upper and lower bound of 0 indicate an infeasible path
# given the specified safety margin
ub, lb = 0.0, 0.0
# Compute absolute angle of bound cell
angle_ub = np.mod(math.pi / 2 + wp.psi + math.pi,
2 * math.pi) - math.pi
angle_lb = np.mod(-math.pi / 2 + wp.psi + math.pi,
2 * math.pi) - math.pi
# Compute cell on bound for computed distance ub and lb
ub_ls = wp.x + ub * np.cos(angle_ub), wp.y + ub * np.sin(
lb_ls = wp.x - lb * np.cos(angle_lb), wp.y - lb * np.sin(
bound_cells = (ub_ls, lb_ls)
# Append results
return np.array(ub_hor), np.array(lb_hor), border_cells_hor
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Select Path | 'Race' or 'Q'
path = 'Race'
path = 'Q'
# Create Map
if path == 'Race':
@ -615,16 +793,27 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
obs2 = Obstacle(cx=-2.2, cy=-6.8, radius=0.25)
obs3 = Obstacle(cx=1.7, cy=-1.0, radius=0.15)
obs4 = Obstacle(cx=2.0, cy=-1.2, radius=0.25)
reference_path.add_obstacles([obs1, obs2, obs3, obs4])
obs5 = Obstacle(cx=2.2, cy=-0.86, radius=0.1)
obs6 = Obstacle(cx=2.33, cy=-0.7, radius=0.1)
obs7 = Obstacle(cx=2.67, cy=-0.73, radius=0.1)
obs8 = Obstacle(cx=6.42, cy=3.97, radius=0.3)
obs9 = Obstacle(cx=7.42, cy=4.97, radius=0.3)
obs10 = Obstacle(cx=7.14, cy=5.7, radius=0.1)
reference_path.add_obstacles([obs1, obs2, obs3, obs4, obs5, obs6, obs7, obs8, obs9, obs10])
reference_path = None
print('Invalid path!')
[reference_path.update_bounds(wp_id=wp_id, safety_margin=0.02)
for wp_id in range(len(reference_path.waypoints))]
ub, lb, border_cells = reference_path.update_path_constraints(0, reference_path.n_waypoints, 0.60, 0.1)
# Get x and y locations of border cells for upper and lower bound
for wp_id in range(reference_path.n_waypoints):
if ub[wp_id] > 0.0 and lb[wp_id] > 0.0:
reference_path.waypoints[wp_id].border_cells = border_cells[wp_id]

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from scipy import sparse
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Select Simulation Mode | 'Race' or 'Q'
sim_mode = 'Race'
sim_mode = 'Q'
# Create Map
if sim_mode == 'Race':
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
mpc = MPC(car, N, Q, R, QN, StateConstraints, InputConstraints)
# Compute speed profile
SpeedProfileConstraints = {'a_min': -2.0, 'a_max': 2.0,
'v_min': 0, 'v_max': V_MAX, 'ay_max': 5.0}
SpeedProfileConstraints = {'a_min': -1.0, 'a_max': 1.0,
'v_min': 0, 'v_max': V_MAX, 'ay_max': 1.0}
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Sampling time
Ts = 0.05
Ts = 0.20
t = 0
@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
plt.title('MPC Simulation: v(t): {:.2f}, delta(t): {:.2f}, Duration: '
'{:.2f} s'.format(u[0], u[1], t))